What Is Oral Health Education

By | August 22, 2023

What Is Oral Health Education – Today, on World Oral Health Day (WOHD), the World Dental Federation FDI published the results of a survey conducted in 13 countries in which parents of children aged 5 to 16 years were asked whether their children were taught about good oral care in schools.

Oral health causes more than 50 million lost school days each year, according to FDI. The FDI says oral health is therefore critical to children’s overall health and well-being.

What Is Oral Health Education

What Is Oral Health Education

The survey asked parents if their children taught them about the importance of good oral care at school. According to the FDI, only 29% of parents in the UK reported this, making it one of the most surveyed countries.

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Other countries include the United States (53%), Australia (54%), Germany (69%), China (77%), Saudi Arabia (81%), Poland (84%), Morocco and Algeria (86%). , Indonesia (87%), Brazil and India (91%) and Mexico (93%).

Additionally, 49% of UK parents did not know how often their children were taught about good oral care at school, followed by Australia (35%), the US (32%), Germany (19%) and Saudi Arabia.

“The research results show that not all parents know whether their children attend oral education at school. We need to fill this knowledge gap because oral diseases are the most prevalent diseases in the world, affecting 3.58 billion people, which is equal to half of the world’s population,” said Dr. Kathryn Keel, President of FDI.

“Furthermore, 486 million children suffer from early tooth decay, which can cause early tooth loss, pain, sleep disturbances, feeding problems and health problems in young children,” Kell said. “Schools should be encouraged to teach children about good oral care.”

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The FDI report found that 71% of parents across the country believe that schools should teach children about good oral care, and 51% acknowledge that parents have a role in oral health education.

“Good oral health habits start early, and we encourage children to brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and avoid foods and drinks high in sugar. We also need to make regular dental checkups a priority,” said WOHD Task Force President Dr. Eduardo Cavalle.

“Millions of school days are lost each year due to poor oral health, which can seriously affect a child’s ability to learn at school. Together, parents and teachers must play an important role in maintaining healthy mouths and teeth, which will benefit the overall health and well-being of future generations,” said Cavalle.

What Is Oral Health Education

To help parents and teachers, FDI has developed Oral Heroes, a multimedia resource that provides tools to provide fun lessons about the importance of oral health to children ages 5-9.

Oral Health Education Materials & Models

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Oral Health Education

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What Is Oral Health Education

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Children’s Dental Health Awareness Day

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Oral Health Education Course

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What Is Oral Health Education

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Survey: Uk Schools Rank Last In Provision Of Oral Health Education

Section 9 is Training for Service Providers and is compatible with other curriculum modules. This section aims to discuss the benefits for providers of peer involvement in the care of people living with HIV and to present possible tools for use in peer education and training.

The dental team introduces a new client named Sandra and explains her situation. They want you to help him get regular dental treatment because he seems to be missing a lot of appointments and doesn’t want to finish his treatment. Sandra is 35 years old and needs a lot of dental work, including surgery to remove several teeth. She is a single mother rebuilding her life after years of being homeless and struggling with alcohol and drugs. Then Sandra contracted HIV through, as she believed, unprotected sex. During that period of his life, he rarely sought dental treatment, and if he did, it was only when he was in pain. Sandra juggled two jobs, dealt with legal issues and regained full custody of her daughter. Sandra seems very self-conscious when she talks to anyone, and because her teeth are decayed and discolored, she often covers her mouth. He says he wants to go back to school, graduate and get a better paying job, but he doesn’t think he has time to think about his “smarts” or school. He smokes about a pack of cigarettes a day to calm his nerves even though he wants to quit. When you try to approach him outside, go to the bathroom outside the waiting room, he’s sitting on the stairs smoking and won’t make eye contact with you. Join us on Wednesday, July 18th for our first “Wait and Learn by Mouth” lecture on the importance of oral health: Mom’s oral health and your baby’s oral health!

We all know that pregnancy takes its toll on a mother’s body, and your mouth is no exception! We also know that there is a TON to think about when you’re expecting a baby, and even more once the baby is born! TeamDfsp wants to help you and your baby’s teeth be aware of the hustle and bustle of pregnancy and the birth of your child! Because it’s never too late to start taking care of your oral health, and it’s never too early to start taking care of your child’s oral health!?

So get ready to take home some learning, socializing, and super cool new kid gear. Perhaps the best part? An opportunity to meet other moms-to-be in the community, bond, bond and share pregnancy stories that only other moms can relate to!

School Oral Health Program

We run this course ourselves and have high “hope” for the cleaner Alex! It’s free, the more the merrier! Share with all your friends and local pregnancy groups you belong to. We are