Weight Loss Coach Near Me

By | September 17, 2023

Weight Loss Coach Near Me – Hi, I’m Maur N Kemeni, President of Life Switch Inc. I am a weight loss coach for women over 40.

I teach a modern approach to long-term weight loss results for women over 40 who are struggling to lose weight. My program involves scientific psychological methods.

Weight Loss Coach Near Me

Weight Loss Coach Near Me

I am a certified weight loss and improved health coach and a certified life coach with a master’s degree in psychology. I competed in marathons and 1/2 ironmans and belonged to an elite triathlon team in my 50s.

How A Weight Loss Coach Keeps You Accountable

“My mission is to help women over 40 lose weight and experience more energy and purpose. No diets, calorie counting or excessive exercise. I make sure my clients have what it takes to reset their metabolism and transform their relationship with food, body and life!

As a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with a Master’s Degree in Psychology, I am dedicated to helping women over 40 lose weight, age gracefully and experience greater energy and purpose.

My biggest teachers are my own obstacles. These include the loss of a child, a serious car accident, celiac disease, allergies and arthritis. I used these barriers along with my education to create a program expressly designed for women 40 and older.

Together, we will overcome your physical and mental obstacles to create the body, health and life of your dreams. My goal is for you to live a long, fulfilling, happy and healthy life. You deserve it! I wish I had the honor of guiding you on your journey.

Coach Jen, Women’s Weight Loss & Health Coaching

Due to the current pandemic, I am currently offering all my programs entirely online. If you live nearby, you can get private training.

If you’ve read about the programs I offer but aren’t sure which one is right for you, schedule a free consultation with me. During the call, we’ll discuss your goals and obstacles and determine the best course of action. Schedule your call here.

Subscribe here to receive my weekly newsletter. Content varies, but all relate to health and wellness. No spam. You’ll get exclusive advice from recipes to tips for changing your mood. Don’t miss the chance! It’s no secret that losing weight is difficult, and without someone to guide, support, and encourage, it can feel impossible. So, it makes sense that you need the help of a weight loss coach.

Weight Loss Coach Near Me

But how do you find a coach? How do you know if you need it? What questions should be asked before serving? What if your coach isn’t working for some reason?

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Looking for specific answers on choosing a weight loss coach? Click on the question and go straight to the good stuff:

A weight loss coach is a professional who helps individuals achieve their weight loss goals. Through guidance, support and accountability, we help people change their habits in ways that lead to long-term weight loss.

Losing weight is not easy, especially if you do it alone. But that’s where a coach can help!

Many people think that to lose weight, they need to eat right and exercise. And they are not entirely wrong. Diet and exercise are important, but the most important thing you can do to reach your goals is to stick to your plan. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.

Nutritarian Weight Loss And Life Coaching

So, to be successful, you need a plan that is reasonable, realistic and doable, and you need someone to help you deal with all the problems that come up in a balanced way – that’s what a weight loss coach will do.

If you’ve ever wondered why sticking to a diet is so hard, this article will tell you why and show you how to make it easier.

Weight loss coaches help people make sustainable changes that improve their overall health and well-being. They do this by helping people set goals, giving them the tools they need to achieve those goals, and holding them accountable for the changes they want to make.

Weight Loss Coach Near Me

Weight loss coaches can help people create diet and exercise plans, and that’s just the beginning. They can help you discover what’s really going on in your relationship with food and how it might be holding you back from reaching your goals.

Free Weight Loss Programs That Really Work

Because telling people what to do to lose weight isn’t enough – anyone can do it. Besides, many people already know what to do!

A coach will help you understand why you want to lose weight and, more importantly, why you want to sabotage your progress.

They’ll help you take a closer look at what’s holding you back, identify self-sabotaging habits that get in the way, and break down those barriers one by one.

The weight loss coaching process consists of four key steps: creating a diet and exercise plan, following through on agreed-upon changes, being accountable for those changes, and dealing with problems that inevitably arise.

Amazon.com: My Weight Loss Coach

If you want to know how weight loss exercises really work. It’s time to get down to business.

During this stage, the coach gets to know you and your goals. They know your likes and dislikes and the changes you like and don’t make. A coach’s job is to make sure you have a plan that is reasonable, realistic and doable.

This means you make changes to your diet and exercise routine. This might mean you try to eat more fruits and vegetables or take a walk around the block after work. In short, this is where the rubber meets the road and where you execute the project.

Weight Loss Coach Near Me

Tip: You may feel like you need to change everything about your life at once. But this is a mistake. If you try to change everything, you’ll feel overwhelmed and want to give up on your goals before you even start. The best way to make big changes is to make small changes.

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Did you make the changes you agreed to? Do you find it hard to stick to a plan? Do you find change too difficult or too easy for you?

This is where helping your coach better understand what works for you and what doesn’t. The important part here is to be open and honest with your coach. If you can make a difference, that’s great! If you are not, please share why. This is the essence of accountability and a key ingredient to success.

In this step, you’ll work with your coach to prepare for challenges and make adjustments to your plan. When you’re trying to lose weight, things don’t always go as planned, but that’s okay, they don’t have to. That’s why you have a coach! Your coach will help you figure out how to overcome problems, make changes, and create a plan for long-term success.

Weight loss coaches are skilled at helping their clients overcome obstacles to weight loss such as tracking their diet and exercise, managing negative emotions, vacations and vacations without regaining lost weight, and coping with social pressures.

The Shape Of Strength

When you’re trying to lose weight, it can feel like you have to deal with a never-ending list of problems.

Think about all the times you crave late-night snacks or how your diet went back to basics after a vacation. It is difficult to figure out how to solve such a problem yourself.

But this is where having a weight loss coach can really pay off. They know what late-night cravings feel like and how easy it is to slip back into old habits when you’re not ready.

Weight Loss Coach Near Me

Coaches help keep you on track during tough times. And that means helping you find ways to deal with boredom so you don’t reach for junk food, or helping you develop strategies so the holidays don’t completely derail your diet.

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Remember, losing weight is more than just eating and exercising. It’s about dealing with all the little things that make it difficult to stay on track. Having a coach can help you avoid common mistakes that prevent most people from losing weight.

To lose weight without a trainer, you need to develop a solid understanding of nutrition and exercise, find a nutrition plan that fits your lifestyle and preferences, and be motivated enough to make sustainable changes over time.

First, you should know that it is not easy to do it yourself. You will have days when you don’t feel like exercising or eating healthy, and there will be days when you feel like giving up. So know going in, know that it’s okay – it’s normal and part of the process.

Second, set realistic goals for yourself. If you set your expectations too high, you’re not only frustrating your efforts to achieve them, you’re setting yourself up for it.

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