Vitamins For Healthy Menstrual Cycle

By | October 1, 2023

Vitamins For Healthy Menstrual Cycle – Anxiety, mood swings, cravings, headaches… need I say more? Apart from some Midol and warm compresses, there isn’t much we can do to relieve period pain; but what if our diet, no matter where we are in our cycle, could stop some of these negative symptoms? Today we’re going to talk about just that—food tips to promote balance and health during a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Let it be known that I think the female body is one of the most amazing things there is. No, I’m not looking forward to Aunt Flo arriving, but when you stop to think about the confusion that goes on in your body leading up to your period, it can be an eye-opener. Below you’ll find an overview of each stage of the menstrual cycle, as compiled by the Cleveland Clinic, along with nutritional advice to follow along the way. (Dates based on an average cycle of 28 days).

Vitamins For Healthy Menstrual Cycle

Vitamins For Healthy Menstrual Cycle

The follicular phase begins on the first day of your period (some actually call this phase the “menstrual cycle,” but the menstrual cycle indicates the beginning of the follicular phase). During the follicular phase, your brain releases hormones that stimulate egg production in your ovaries and increase estrogen production.

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With blood loss due to menstruation, it is important to increase iron, vitamin C and vitamin B to promote blood cell production and prevent anemia. A small amount of vitamin B12 can help with fatigue, dizziness and nervousness. If you are taking medication, I would recommend adding a B complex to your daily regimen as these medications have been shown to deplete vitamins B1, B2, and B6 (3).

Anti-Inflammatory Herbs and Spices – Ginger, Turmeric, Turmeric, Cilantro, Garlic Parsley… put these herbs into a fresh, plant-based diet to help fight cramps and inflammation.

An egg is released from the ovary (aka ovulation) into the fallopian tube. You will notice a change or increase in cervical mucus, which will ultimately help trap and transport sperm for fertilization.

Some people notice increased breast odor or tenderness during this period. Most women also get a lot of energy (and libido, hey-o), so make sure you’re not wasting all that energy on junk food. Hormonal changes around ovulation are known to increase sugar cravings, so prepare yourself and keep sweet treats simple and easy. Make sure you’re getting enough fiber to prevent bloating and maintain bowel movement (for girls, we recommend 25 grams of fiber per day). Fermented foods can also help improve gut health, gut health, and water balance, so consider adding kombucha, kefir, yogurt, or raw apple cider vinegar to your daily routine.

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A good flavor solution – dark chocolate, fresh, fruit in season, greek yogurt, dates, apple chips… or check out any of the weekend recipes recommended by RD.

This process begins immediately after ovulation. Estrogen and progesterone levels increase, preparing the egg for implantation. The unfertilized egg will pass through the uterus until the uterine cavity is empty and … voila, you have time and you are back to day 1 of the follicular cycle.

Ladies, this is the time to really step up your game in preparation for your month-long stay at the Red Roof Inn. Studies show that women who experience more pain during their periods have higher levels of prostaglandins (chemicals released to stimulate the contraction and breakdown of the lining of the uterus). The production of prostaglandins is directly related to the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the human body – that is, as you eat more foods rich in omega-3 (with a decrease in foods rich in omega-6) the production of prostaglandins will decrease. , in turn, causes pain during menstruation. You may want to take a fish oil supplement if you struggle with PMS-related symptoms (shoot for at least 1500 mg of DHA/EPA per day).

Vitamins For Healthy Menstrual Cycle

Ancient Ayurvedic medicine believes that your period does the same with its built-in detoxification system. So if you have a stressful month of fast food, excessive alcohol consumption and little exercise, the assumption is that your period is going to be pretty brutal. On the contrary, if you have taken good care of yourself, your period will probably be easier. (2) Speaking of drinking, consider avoiding alcohol if you experience PMS symptoms. Sources say that drinking alcohol can cause symptoms of headaches, breast tenderness and mood swings. Of course, moderation for the rest of your cycle is usually fine, but I suggest avoiding alcohol entirely until your period starts.

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As for caffeine, good news! There’s no need to skip your morning cuppa when you’re PMSing, as if anyone thinks that’s a good idea?! A 2016 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that “caffeine consumption is not associated with PMS, and current recommendations for women to reduce caffeine intake may not help prevent the development of PMS.” Remember, caffeine is a diuretic, so make sure you’re still drinking enough water — which brings me to my next point. Water.

Nausea is common during the follicular and luteal phases, as is appetite, due to changes in hormones such as estradiol and leptin. In addition to avoiding salty, processed foods, make sure you drink plenty of water to help fight constipation and stay hydrated. Read more about how much water you should drink here or, as a bottom line, try drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day! Fruit or vegetable juices are a great way to add pizzazz to plain old water.

As a reminder, menstruation is a motivational process in itself. I recommend trying to be as anti-inflammatory as possible during your regimen. Fortunately, Lindsay covers this topic in depth and I highly recommend checking out her post if you haven’t already. Finally, try to base your diet around plenty of healthy fats, lean protein, fresh sources of fiber, and lots of H2O.

Great stuff Sarah! Full disclosure, I get PMS from time to time. I seem to find that I have more energy and feel less emotional in the days before my period if I exercise regularly. Turns out it might not all be in my head. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists touts aerobic exercise as a way to reduce PMS symptoms and may even help reduce period pain. Whether you’re cycling, swimming or running – get your heart pumping for at least 30 minutes most days. Although there is no chance that you spend the first few days of your cycle going back to bed.

Nutrition For Your Menstrual Cycle

Acknowledgments // By Sarah O’Callaghan with input from Lindsay Kelsay. Photo: Emma Chapman. Other Sources: 1.) USDA National Nutrient Database. Available at 2.) Barrett, E., Hanley, K. (2014) The 28-Day Simple Diet; Your monthly plan to lose weight, stop PMS and achieve physical and emotional health. Globe Pequot Press. 3.) Gottfried, S. (2013). Hormonal therapy. Simon & Schuster Inc. Your microbiome is the community of bacteria, fungi and viruses that live in your body, especially in your gut and on your skin. These hosts (and their genes) play major roles throughout the body, including digestion, immunity, and even your mood. Your gut microbiome receives signals from your hormones and can influence your menstrual cycle.

As in any community, one of the most important factors in gut health is diversity. Without a diverse mix of friendly bacteria, it’s easy for the bad bugs to outnumber the good. This type of inequality is called

But how are your hormones and gut really connected? After all, they are two different processes in the body, right?

Vitamins For Healthy Menstrual Cycle

In its connected body. Your hormonal health affects every system in your body, and as growing research shows, your microbiome can too. Your hormones and your gut affect each other, and taking care of these processes can be the key to good health.

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Certain bacteria in your intestinal tract are responsible for controlling estrogen metabolism. This internal community is called your microbiome

Estrogen is produced mainly in your ovaries and is distributed throughout the body where it affects other tissues and organs. Finally, active estrogen is screened by the liver, which inactivates it and sends it to your intestines. With true estroboloma, most of the destroyed estrogen is excreted in the stool and leaves the body.

But what if your bowels aren’t working? Certain bacteria can recycle inactive estrogen in your gut by producing an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase. If there are too many of these bacteria in your gut, active estrogen returns faster than your body intended. This means a problem, because now the method designed to reduce estrogen is very different.

The condition of excess estrogen, especially in relation to progesterone, is called estrogen dominance. It’s actually one of the most common problems I face as a female hormone specialist.

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Don’t get me wrong, estrogen is important and great, but when it overwhelms your other hormones, it causes nausea, headaches, mood swings, and more. In fact, when estrogen and progesterone levels are balanced, PMS

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