Vitamins For Healthy Cells

By | July 16, 2023

Vitamins For Healthy Cells – In the face of the deluge of misinformation online, how do you know what you need to support a healthy immune system?

Your immune system needs special nutrients every day to function properly and respond well. Every day we encounter diseases (yeasts, bacteria and viruses), stress and toxins that can quickly burn up in our grocery stores. In fact, many people are unable to prevent this disease because they cannot get enough money from diet alone. (2)

Vitamins For Healthy Cells

Vitamins For Healthy Cells

You know how important health is to your overall health. But do you have enough food that is special for the battle?

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In this article, we’ll cover five specific foods that are important to keep your immune system running at peak performance. These nutrients don’t just fight bacteria and viruses as you might think; They do other things that will surprise you. (3)

Your immune system is a very complex, multi-factor system, made up of various cells, tissues and compounds that work together to protect your body. The immune system is like a surveillance system in your body that monitors and analyzes everything, trying to distinguish between “own” and “foreign”. (4) We are lucky to have a defensive force ready to attack at any time!

As this test takes place, each day each day it identifies its own self (your body and mind) that is not a threat. But when your immune system encounters a “non-self” (infection or infection), it boosts your immune system – fast. The body’s immune system against invading bacteria has antibodies and inflammation, including fever, pain, swelling, redness, and even loss of function. And “increasing growth” is not specific to one area – but it encompasses everything. (3, 4)

Here you may be surprised – not only invaders can do damage, but mainly your immune system.

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But when you have an immune system, your body doesn’t just kill attackers. Most of your body is involved and most tissues are damaged in the process.

In addition to this inflammatory response, antibodies are also secreted by the immune system. These harmful substances, such as hydrogen peroxide, can kill bacteria and viruses. You may need to buy hydrogen peroxide in a brown bottle from your local grocery store to kill the bugs. But did you know that your body also makes your immune system worse? He does it to “get sick”. While hydrogen peroxide destroys bacteria, it also destroys you. If not cleaned and cleaned regularly, these harmful substances can cause further problems and slow down the healing process. The process of creating problems in the body is called oxidative stress and is a tool used to immunize the body. Oxidative stress creates an internal environment that requires antioxidants to prevent oxidative damage. (5)

Here is another example. When you injure your ankle, it usually swells. And what are you doing? You freeze – to cool down the temperature, which slows down the rate at which the immune system works and reduces inflammation, thus accelerating the healing process.

Vitamins For Healthy Cells

It may seem strange to think that your immune system can harm your body. However, it is a concept that is very important to understand why we need to have a good diet, which is why it has a big impact on the immune system.

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When thinking about the nutrients needed to “support the immune system”, we want to look for nutrients that can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress – natural factors that result from the immune system. Dr. Ben Lynch researched the best immune boosting foods and identified five foods that are essential in sufficient amounts to kill bacteria, weaken the immune system, heal and heal the body. These include nutrients that have anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties to help you defeat your immune system. (6) Dr. Lynch recommends these five foods to his patients who need immunity.

If you had to pick one vitamin to boost your immune system and immunity, it would be vitamin D. Vitamin D supports the immune system in many ways, more specifically than by producing antibodies against invading bacteria. (7) Think of it as your antidote.

It does this by improving the production of substances called defensin β-2 and cathelicidin antibacterial peptides (CAMPs), which are peptides that can protect the body against microbes, either directly or indirectly. These peptides have been shown to stimulate the immune system and protect against potential gastrointestinal infections (following an inflammatory reaction). They can kill invading bacteria only by destroying the membrane. Antimicrobial peptides such as these are important to prevent infection and speed up the healing process of inflammation, and vitamin D is essential for their production. (7, 8, 9) In diseases such as Crohn’s disease and Helicobacter pylori, gastritis is associated with low levels of cathelicidins. (9)

Vitamin D may also help reduce inflammation and tissue damage while the immune system is functioning. (10) Scientists have determined that vitamin D is an important factor in the immune system, which means that it can kill the immune system when needed. (7) Having enough vitamin D in the body has been shown to reduce the risk of infection, a lack of vitamin D has been linked to respiratory problems. (11, 12)

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Vitamin D plays an important role in our immune system! However, vitamin D is not available in large amounts. (13) Eighty percent of vitamin D comes from the skin as a result of the sun (UVB exposure). (7) But many people protect their skin from the sun. This can lead to vitamin D deficiency and other diseases. In addition to low skin exposure to the sun, other causes of vitamin D deficiency include poor diet in oily fish and vitamin D-related gene polymorphisms. (13)

Only in the summer does the skin do little if there is vitamin D from the sun at latitudes above or below 37 degrees from the equator. People living in these areas are more likely to be vitamin D deficient. Processed rice often contains unhealthy nutrients. For example, it’s important to make sure the type of vitamin D you’re getting is D3 and not D2. D2 is a poor form and is poorly used by the body. (14)

This vitamin is so important for immune system health that if you must eat something to boost your immune system, vitamin D should be at the top of your list. The best way to know if you have a deficiency is for your doctor to have your blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels checked. Your doctor will be able to recommend the best way to increase your vitamin D levels based on your diagnosis. .

Vitamins For Healthy Cells

Vitamin C is easily one of the most studied vitamins. It plays many roles in the functioning of the immune system, mainly due to its role as a powerful antioxidant. Remember the importance of oxidation: the destruction of compounds produced by the body to protect against disease or in response to chronic conditions. Antioxidants, as the name suggests, help prevent oxidative by-products called “free radicals” to prevent damage and premature aging. (15)

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Vitamin C has been shown to enhance the immune system’s response to infections. And the benefits appear to come when the supplement is greater than the RDI and within the first 24 hours of the onset of the flu. (16, 17)

Vitamin C may support some of the body’s immune systems, such as white blood cells. And when combined with zinc, vitamin C shows the ability to support digestive and respiratory health. (18)

Known as our body’s “antioxidant master”, glutathione is increased in white blood cells when supplemented with vitamin C. Glutathione is important for controlling inflammation and oxidative damage in the body. (19, 20)

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits such as oranges and vegetables such as peppers. In fact, bell peppers are one of the richest sources of vitamin C! However, when we are sick, we often use this food, so we need it very much. Therefore, supplementing with vitamin C can help.

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As a nutrient, vitamin A is extremely important for respiratory health and the ability to fight disease. Also known as retinol, this essential oil-soluble nutrient helps the body strengthen itself internally and externally, including the skin, eyes, lungs, nose, intestines, and genitourinary system. These barriers can be thought of as the “walls” of our body that prevent bacteria from entering. In fact, vitamin A supplementation has been shown to improve intestinal barrier function when measuring intestinal permeability. (21, 22)

Vitamin A plays an important role in the lungs and breathing. The membranes of the lungs and lungs are important parts of the body’s immune system. They act as the body’s defense system to prevent infection. It has been shown that in