Vitamin For Knee Health

By | January 9, 2024

Vitamin For Knee Health – When you have joint pain, whether it’s from arthritis, an injury, or just everyday pain, it makes sense to want to do what you can to relieve it. After all, your joints support you in almost everything you do, so pain-free movement is always a goal.

A good first step is to visit your doctor to identify the cause of the pain or inflammation, and then you can start to find ways to reduce that pain.

Vitamin For Knee Health

Vitamin For Knee Health

Here’s the thing: Joint health often depends on the overall health of the body. Your exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle habits can affect the levels of inflammation in your body and the health of your joints. The same applies to vitamins and supplements.

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Supplements are not a cure for joint pain and should never replace medication or other lifestyle changes prescribed by your doctor for a joint condition. . You should always consult your doctor before adding a supplement to your regimen to ensure it is safe for you based on your medical history and any current conditions or medications.

With that said, here are the best joint health supplements to discuss with your provider at your next visit.

We turned to several registered dietitians, as well as current research, to understand which supplements help with joint pain and/or support joint health. The following results also fit these criteria:

There are many studies on the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids. The National Center for Joint and Integrative Health (NCCIH) concluded that omega-3 fatty acids can help alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an autoimmune condition that causes intense pain and destruction at the same time. Glucosamine Chondroitin Msm & Vitamin D3 Joint Health Supplement, Move Free Advanced Joint Support Tablets For Men & Women (120ct), With Vitamin D3 To Support Bone & Immune Health (pack Of

Additionally, a June 2020 review in the Mediterranean Journal of Rheumatology reviewed nine human clinical studies and found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation helps reduce joint inflammation and tenderness in people with RA.

Omega-3 supplementation typically comes with few side effects, which can include bad breath, gastrointestinal upset and nausea, according to the National Institutes of Health. Those who take blood-thinning medications such as Coumadin or warfarin should consult their doctor before taking an omega-3 supplement.

By now, you’ve probably heard of the power of vitamin D. Our bodies can normally make vitamin D (technically a hormone) from the sun, but if you spend a lot of time indoors, you may not get enough of it.

Vitamin For Knee Health

Vitamin D has been widely studied for its effect on osteoarthritis (OA), and in particular for its effect on knee osteoarthritis, which affects 83 percent of people diagnosed with OA. A 2020 meta-analysis in BMJ Open found inconclusive results related to knee pain and vitamin D supplementation. This means that some studies have shown links, but others have not.

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However, an October 2017 randomized controlled trial (the gold standard of studies) in the American Journal of Medicine found that people who were consistently adequate in vitamin D had worse physical activity than those with good vitamin D levels.

“Vitamin D supplementation may help reduce joint pain in people with OA,” says registered dietitian Lisa Andrews, owner of Sound Bites Nutrition. She notes that an August 2017 article in Nutrients “conducted in osteoarthritis patients with knee pain found that vitamin D supplementation for six months improved grip strength and physical performance.”

Vitamin D may also benefit people with RA because of its role in immunity, Andrews said: “Low vitamin D levels in people with RA often present with worse clinical outcomes, including pain and imbalance. the spleen – a sign of inflammation”.

Although researchers have not established a definitive link between knee osteoarthritis and vitamin D status, it is important to keep these levels up. This means having your vitamin D level checked every year, and if you’re low, talk to your doctor or dietitian about raising it to sufficient levels.

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Turmeric is a spice that is becoming popular in Western cuisine. Curcumin is the active ingredient, responsible for the anti-inflammatory action of turmeric.

Turmeric has been shown in several studies to reduce pain associated with osteoarthritis. In fact, key findings from a January 2021 systematic review in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine show that turmeric can reduce pain and improve physical activity, and can be an adjunct to commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

Keep in mind that combining turmeric with black pepper and fat helps your body better absorb its benefits.

Vitamin For Knee Health

S-adenosyl methionine, or simply SAM-e for short, is a substance that we produce in our bodies. It has been extensively studied for its effects on depression. Interestingly, scientists have linked depression and osteoarthritis, and this prompted investigation of possible links between SAMe and OA.

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Current research indicates that SAMe is as effective as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in reducing pain and improving coordination, according to the National Center for Integrative and Integrative Health.

You may find it hard to name Boswellia serrata, but this supplement comes from a tree that grows in India, North Africa, and the Middle East.

Boswellia has been found to be effective in reducing pain and stiffness and improving joint function, according to a 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis in BMC Complementary Medicine and Remedies. Researchers indicate that Boswellia must be taken for four weeks to begin to see results.

Registered dietitian Sharon Puello, RD, CDN, says that Boswellia “may also be helpful because it can reduce the activity of enzymes that usually work to break down cartilage, and it can be an added benefit if you have inflammation, as studies show Boswellia serrata be effective in reducing levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, one of the best indicators of inflammation in the body.”

Fix Knee Pain For Good

As with any supplement, but especially herbs, the decision to take Boswellia and dosage should be discussed with your doctor to ensure effective treatment for your joint pain and no drug interactions.

Functional dietitian Jenna Volpe says that not all collagen is created equal. She explains: “Unnatural type II collagen is not very common in the human body, but it has been found to be therapeutic in relieving joint pain, especially for people with arthritis.”

Volpe notes a January 2016 study in Nutrition Journal: “When type II collagen was taken as a supplement for six months, participants reported that it was significantly more effective in reducing joint pain compared with placebo and glucosamine hydrochloride plus supplements. of chondroitin sulfate,” she says. The latter is sometimes recommended to control arthritis pain.

Vitamin For Knee Health

Ginger is a popular culinary herb and also known for its anti-nausea effect. You may not know that ginger is also being studied for its anti-inflammatory properties.

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One study used ginger powder in older adults with osteoarthritis of the knee to see if it reduced symptoms of inflammation. The randomized control trial showed that C-reactive protein, which increases when inflammation is present, decreased with three months of ginger compared to placebo, according to a July 2016 study in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.

Although some studies show the promise of ginger in helping to calm inflammation in osteoarthritis, the NCCIH shows that there is not enough evidence to conclude that ginger is helpful for osteoarthritis of the knee.

Ginger has a good safety profile, but it can cause abdominal discomfort if taken in large amounts. Talk to your doctor before taking this or any other medication.

The supplement aisle can be overwhelming and you can’t always trust the seller to point you in the right direction when it comes to safety. Arm yourself with a checklist of what to look for when shopping for your supplement in-store or online.

Supplements For Joints, Bones And Muscles

This is number one. At a minimum, the supplement company must adhere to current good manufacturing practices (CGMP). This is a Food and Drug Administration quality control program that oversees the manufacturing processes of a supplement company.

You can also look for independent third-party tests that verify quality, purity, heavy metal testing, and proper degradation. The most common are Consumer Lab, NSF (also NSF for sports), and USP. If this type of test is performed, it is usually stated directly on the bottle, or you can find this information on the manufacturer’s website.

You always want to keep your fillers to a minimum when choosing a supplement. This can be especially important if you have allergies, as fillings sometimes contain gluten, soy, or milk. You should also be aware of added sugar, other sweeteners, or sugar alcohols in your supplements.

Vitamin For Knee Health

Always pay attention to the dosage on the bottle. Serving sizes work similar to the food label. For example, for some vitamin D supplements, the dosage may be 2,000 IU per serving, with two gummies as the serving size, not one.

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If your doctor or dietitian has given you a recommendation, double-check your dosage on the bottle to make sure you’re getting enough or not too much. Never take more than the recommended dose for you and your condition.

This is the last question. The answer to whether you need a supplement is between you and your healthcare team. If you have dietary restrictions, allergies, or just a poor diet, you probably