Supplements For Healthy Joints

By | March 21, 2024

Supplements For Healthy Joints – Tissue Rejuvenator is a powerful two-part formula that helps repair joints, tendons and soft tissue while reducing swelling and relieving aches and pains. While damaged or compromised tissue takes time to rebuild, the pain-relieving aspects of tissue rejuvenation kick in immediately. It is equally suitable for dealing with acute pain, sprains or chronic and degenerative conditions. Tissue Rejuvenator is your healthy alternative to NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). It provides quick relief and improves results the more you use the product.

Glucosamine sulfate is usually obtained from shellfish; A large number of joint health supplements containing glucosamine, including tissue rejuvenators, use glucosamine sulfate which is derived from shellfish. However, since glucosamine is obtained from the shells of these animals, while the allergen is contained in the flesh of the animals, tissue rejuvenators can be used safely even for people with shellfish allergies (keyword “may”). However, we strongly recommend that anyone with a shellfish allergy consult their doctor before taking Tissue Rejuvenator or any glucosamine sulfate supplement.

Supplements For Healthy Joints

Supplements For Healthy Joints

While some companies still use shark cartilage as a starting material for chondroitin sulfate, Hamer Nutrition only uses highly purified and sterilized, 100% BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)-free, bovine-derived chondroitin sulfate.

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What would you recommend to promote fracture healing and bone strength?

Here are the following supplements that will help not only heal the bones completely but also make them stronger

1) Premium Insurance Cap Many nutrients contribute to bone health and of course overall health Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Calcium, Selenium, Zinc and more play a bone healing role. Recommended dose: 2 capsules 2-3 times a day

2) Essential Mg For a long time, people have been under the impression that getting enough calcium is essential for bone health and preventing osteoporosis. And while calcium is indeed an important nutrient, magnesium is actually the most important… and for many reasons other than bone health. In fact, it’s so important that we’ve included an article on the role of magnesium in bone health…

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In Endurance News #103 I wrote about an article discussing the importance of magnesium in maintaining good bone health (Magnesium: the most important mineral for bone health). The bottom line is that while calcium, vitamin D, and a few other nutrients certainly play a role in bone health, I believe it’s magnesium that “runs the train.” Part of the article states:

There may be an important case for magnesium for bone health, especially since magnesium is necessary for the proper use of vitamin D and calcium.

Dr. Susan Brown writes, “Since magnesium participates in an amazing array of biochemical reactions, it is not surprising that it is essential for healthy bones. In particular, adequate magnesium is essential for the absorption and metabolism of calcium.

Supplements For Healthy Joints

More recent research confirms this rationale. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Bristol and the University of Eastern Finland found that higher serum magnesium levels significantly reduced the risk of bone fractures.

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Researchers followed nearly 2,250 middle-aged men over the age of 20 and found that men with high blood magnesium levels had a 44% lower risk of bone fractures, particularly hip fractures. . The researchers also noted that the 22 people with the highest levels of magnesium had no incidents of bone fractures over a 20-year follow-up period.

Principal Investigator, Dr. Setter Kunster, said: “The findings suggest that avoidance of low serum concentrations of magnesium may hold promise, although it has not been proven to prevent fracture risk.”

Magnesium for bone health may be news to some, including the very real possibility that it could arguably help prevent fractures, as magnesium expert James South wrote about decades ago. Citing his signature article “Magnesium, the key to health and life” and the work of Dr. 1980s Guy Abraham, South wrote:

“Magnesium stimulates the release of the hormone calcitonin, which drives calcium into bone and away from soft tissue. A calcium-rich, low-magnesium diet and a cellular environment will promote such calcification. Soft tissue such as osteoporosis develops slowly. Calcium absorption from a high dairy diet is often 800 combined with 800 to 1,000 milligrams, less magnesium.

Supplements For Bone And Joints

Abraham said, “When patients with severe osteoporosis were given high doses of calcium, they went into a positive calcium balance, but radiographic studies showed no change in the osteoporotic process. Where did that calcium go? Clearly in the soft tissue.” Abraham added: “Magnesium has a calcium-sparing effect and reduces the need for calcium.” [2]

These exciting new findings, along with previous studies, show that magnesium plays a key role in bone health.

As I mentioned earlier, “Unfortunately, while magnesium is available in a variety of foods, the overall decline in our food supply has significantly reduced the average dietary intake of the American below the minimum daily intake (ODI) level. So, to make sure you get enough magnesium, choose foods that contain this important mineral (seeds and nuts are good sources) and supplement your diet with extra amounts of magnesium.

Supplements For Healthy Joints

Essential Mg Contains Five Forms Of Highly Bioavailable Magnesium In addition to supporting optimal bone health, Essential Mg is an important way to ensure you get optimal amounts of this all-important, health-promoting mineral.

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References: Low serum magnesium levels are associated with fracture risk: a long-term prospective cohort study. European Journal of Epidemiology, 2017; DOI: 10.1007/s10654-017-0242-2 [2] Abraham G. The calcium controversy. JApp Nutr 1982, 34:69-73

Recommended Dosage: 2 Essential Mg in the morning, 1-2 at lunch or afternoon, and 1-2 at bedtime (magnesium at night helps relax muscles and nerves).

3) Enduro D has too many benefits of Vitamin D3 and K2 to include here, so I would encourage you to read the new Product Alert – Enduro D article as it provides more detailed information on this important product. With regard to bone health, the benefit of vitamin D3 supplementation is that it supports the proper use of calcium to optimize bone density and overall bone health. Vitamin K2 works together with vitamin D3 to support bone health by activating a protein called osteocalcin, which helps keep calcium out of the arteries while increasing the amount of calcium in the bones. Recommended dose: 2 capsules per day is sufficient. For bone repair, 1 capsule twice a day is recommended

4) Boron This trace mineral is vital to many aspects of health, and calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are critical to maintaining and improving bone health because of their role in helping to build bones. The intake of boron reduces the excretion of calcium and magnesium in the urine. This increases the body’s intake of these two important minerals. Recommended dosage: Same as EnDuro D

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5) Whey Protein Many people don’t think of protein when it comes to bone health, but this bit should prove otherwise. Bone can be thought of as a sponge made of living protein with mineral crystals embedded in it. By volume, about half of bone is protein. When a fracture occurs, the body is called upon to assemble protein building blocks to synthesize a new structural bone protein matrix. In addition, protein supplementation increases insulin-like growth factor-1 (IgH-1), a polypeptide that has positive effects on skeletal integrity, muscle strength, immune response and bone regeneration. Protein malnutrition or malnutrition leads to a “rubbery” callus compared to hard calluses in individuals with adequate or excessive protein intake. Several studies have shown that a modest increase of 10 to 20 grams of protein intake accelerates fracture healing. The benefits of supplemental protein are important for everyone and especially important for those with malnutrition or low protein intake at baseline. In elderly hip fracture patients, poor protein status at the time of fracture even predicts fracture outcome People with low protein status take longer to recover and have more complications, including death

Particularly important amino acids are lysine, arginine, proline, glycine, cysteine ​​and glutamine. For example, lysine is known to increase calcium absorption, increase the amount of calcium absorbed into the bone matrix and aid in tissue regeneration.

Recommended Dosage: 1 scoop of Hammer Whey Protein mixed with water before bed + an optional dose of ½ to 1 scoop mixed with fruit (smoothie) mixed with water.

Supplements For Healthy Joints