Protein And Fiber Diet For Weight Loss

By | September 6, 2023

Protein And Fiber Diet For Weight Loss – In a previous article, I discussed how studies in many animal species show that protein is the primary factor in determining body weight. Place a rat, monkey, or monkey on a high-protein diet (ie, a high percentage of calories from protein) and thin. Put him on a low protein diet and he became very obese.

Since this pattern is so common in so many species, it’s reasonable to assume that it also applies to humans. But what we really want to do is confirm that hypothesis with randomized trials that put people on a high- or low-protein diet and follow them over time to seeing what happens to body weight.

Protein And Fiber Diet For Weight Loss

Protein And Fiber Diet For Weight Loss

In fact, many experiments have tested high protein foods in humans. Unfortunately, almost all of them are so stupid and flawed in their design or work that they cannot communicate anything useful. In almost all of these studies, two major errors stand out and are not valid. The first is to restrict caloric intake, usually in the high-protein group and the control group, but sometimes only in the control group.

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Why is this a problem? Because the whole purpose behind a high protein diet is to do it by reducing our appetite and calorie intake. Generally, protein is the most satiating ingredient in food, so the more protein in the food the fewer calories are consumed overall. Restricting calories consciously achieves the same result (eating fewer calories) but in different ways (ie starvation).

Oftentimes the benefits are short-term, regardless of what the diet is. People can starve themselves for a while and lose weight, even if it’s just red meat, vegetables, or Doritos. But starvation won’t work for long (unless you live in a first world country with easy access to food). People can starve for a long time. Then they gave up. And when it does, the weight comes back. This is why there is no effective long-term diet known as calorie restriction.

A high protein diet is not magic. If it works, it works by reducing appetite and reducing calorie intake. In other words, it creates an unconscious protocol constraint. That is why it should not be done for a short time, but for a long time – it is easy to maintain.

If you do a study where the control group will reduce their calories by consciously fasting, and the intervention group will reduce their calories by eating a high percentage of protein, so that they eat the same control group and intervention group at low calorie intake. , both groups lost weight. So the study can’t show a significant difference between the groups, at least in the short term (and nutritional studies are almost always short-term).

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This error in reasoning rules out most of the so-called high-quality experiments. A high-fat diet trial did not restrict calories in either group. Both groups should be allowed to eat what they want to be satisfied.

Another major flaw found in most of the so-called “high protein” studies is that the tests were unable to achieve a significant difference in protein intake between groups. Almost everyone achieves a small percentage difference, so the “high protein” group may consume 21% of their calories as protein, while the “low protein” group consumes 18%. That difference is so small that it’s unlikely to produce a significant weight-loss benefit over many months (although it can produce a significant difference over many years, if the diet trials last long enough).

To expect a significant difference after just a few months, the difference in protein intake should be at least 10%, preferably.

Protein And Fiber Diet For Weight Loss

When I started looking, only one high protein weight loss trial that didn’t restrict calories found a significant difference in protein intake between the high protein group and the control group, and the higher of these two methods has a minimum of 50 participants (too small for significant results) and a duration of three months (again, too small for large results).

Protein And Fiber Foods For Weight Loss

Published in the International Journal of Obesity in 1999. Funded by beef and dairy companies (as is the norm in food science, no one funds any research on how to improve people – they’re doing it because they hope to help you sell more products). Made in Copenhagen, Denmark.

65 overweight and obese adults were assigned to one of three different groups and followed for six months.

The first group had a high diet (25 people), the second had a low diet (25 people), and the third was told to keep doing what they had been doing (15 people). In other words, there are two control groups – an “active” control group and a “passive” control group.

This is very useful. A strong control group is important because you can see a lot of weight loss due to high protein intake and a lot of the effect of the intervention (i.e. when people get into intervention, it turns out that they start to think and act differently in many ways), but it’s also good to have a silent control group, because you can see what happens occur if the participants were not involved in the study and simply talked about their lives. .

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When I said earlier that the participants in both strength groups were “provided” with their food, that’s exactly what I meant. Twice a week, participants go to a “store” on campus where they get all their food for the next few days, free of charge. On a trip to the “shop” they put back all the food they hadn’t eaten since the previous trip, so they could keep a record of what they ate.

The high-protein group received a food mix that provided 25% protein, 45% carbohydrates, and 30% fat, while the low-protein group received a food mix with 12% protein, 58% carbohydrates, and 30% fat. If one micronutrient is deficient, more of the other should be given. In this case, proteins are replaced with carbohydrates, but the fat is the same in both groups. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that the difference between the groups is due to the increased carbohydrate content of the diet, not the decreased protein content.

The only way to answer that question is to do another almost identical study where protein is replaced with fat instead of carbohydrates and see if the same effect is seen. However, if there are different parts of carbohydrates to lose weight, rather than the divisions of protein, then humans are unique in the animal world. As mentioned before, it has been shown in many different animals that the protein content promotes weight change.

Protein And Fiber Diet For Weight Loss

The fact that the food was provided to the participants for free by the researchers from their own “stores” was an important advantage of the study, because the researchers were able to constantly monitor what was eaten by participants, thus capturing a significant difference in protein intake between groups. Most food trials simply give participants rough guidelines about what to eat, then let them hunker down and hope for the best, a recipe for research failure.

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At six months, the high protein group lost 10% of their initial weight. The low protein group (also known as the active control group) lost 6% of their initial weight. And the control group weighed less, 2% more at the end of the study than at the beginning. The differences between the groups were statistically significant (p=0.0002 for you runners like me who want to know the exact number).

To begin with, the fact that the weight of the control group increased as we expected. Without intervention, those who are overweight or obese will continue to gain weight over time.

And it comes down to two strong groups. Here we see a significant weight loss in both groups, which shows that just by forcing people to do a vigorous activity, they start to think about their food, and effective against weight. However, high