Paleo Diet Weight Loss Results

By | March 13, 2024

Paleo Diet Weight Loss Results – I want to share my story and the changes I have made in the past 5 months. A change that changed my life.

Before going Paleo, I tried almost every fad diet and exercise program known to man. I have tried many magic pills for fat loss. The problem was that I would see results for several weeks, after a plateau I would fall off the wagon and gain more weight than I started with. After high school (weighing 215 pounds) I went to 6 years of college where I earned a doctorate in pharmacotherapy and did a year of residency. Unfortunately, these years are not spent eating right or exercising properly. Like most college students, the temptation to eat junk/fast food and drink copious amounts of beer was at every turn, and unfortunately, I often succumbed to the pressure. Year 15 came and went quickly, and freshmen turned 30, then 50, and before I knew it, I was 90 pounds over my high school weight. My post-college residency didn’t do me any favors either. 70-80 hour weeks again left me with convenience food and ready-made fast food. I gained more weight and was soon 100 pounds over my high school weight (320 pounds in 2011, BMI 37%). I was addicted to fast food. A lot of fast food. On average, at least 3 times a week. Looking back on those habits now, I don’t know how I didn’t die from the havoc they wreaked on my body. In 2012, I added more exercise and managed to lose about 20 pounds, but I was back to 300 pounds. I was stuck, my triglycerides were over 300 and my HbA1C was down to 6. As a health professional, I knew how scary these numbers were, but I didn’t have the willpower to go on a diet that eliminated all the foods that were addictive and slowly killing me.

Paleo Diet Weight Loss Results

Paleo Diet Weight Loss Results

Since March of this year, my wife has been talking to me about trying a new eating lifestyle that she heard about from a friend, called Paleo. My wife is incredibly fit and is actually training for a marathon, but was looking for a way to eat clean to improve our health together. I was skeptical about starting over from previous diet failures, but I said we should try it anyway. We started as hard as we could, doing a 30-day challenge to cleanse our bodies and our bad eating habits. I saw very good weight loss results in the first 30 days. I felt better, had less post-workout aches and pains, and went 30 days without junk food for the first time in almost 10 years. My wife and I used to go. I lost weight and body fat like crazy. We were rewarded with 1 or 2 cheat meals a month after the first 30 days and started questioning if we needed to cheat (we feel terrible after that). The beginning of August marked 5 months with the Paleo lifestyle. I can proudly say that I am now down 70 pounds in those 5 months and only 10 pounds below my high school weight. Again, seven pounds in five months just from eating paleo. My exercise routine has seen only a few extra sessions. I still can’t believe how much of a difference the Paleo lifestyle has made in my life. My BMI is now down to 26%. None of my clothes fit anymore (March was an XXL, August I’m a medium to large). I feel great and hope my next lab will show that the Paleo lifestyle really is the key to good health. I still have my goals, and I know that the paleo lifestyle allows me to not only meet them, but also blow them out of the water. At this point in my life, I plan to continue the paleo lifestyle for the rest of my life. I’ve added high intensity strength training and now I’m working on getting my body in shape so I’m getting it right. I am committed to finding ways to help others see the light and get their eating habits back on track. The Paleo lifestyle saved my life.

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Christopher Williams (aka Squatchy) is a paleo enthusiast, educator, personal trainer, wellness coach, and avid cook. He also works as part of Rob Wolfe’s team. At the beginning of January, I started a 28-day transformation challenge, which has been a truly life-changing experience for me. The contest had 3 main commitments that he promised to fulfill from January 7 to February 3, 2013:

My goal in distraction was to achieve a perfect result. Not because I’m trying to lose weight. Not because I wanted to win (well, well, I wanted to win). But see what I can do. It will be difficult for me to be fully committed and disciplined to what I know. It is very difficult for me.

I am proud of the excellent result. I have never given up on the paleo diet. I have taken fish oil religiously. And I got at least 10 minutes of exercise every day (more than most days). During training I ate a plate of broccoli at my friend’s house while everyone ate lasagna and bread! I said what I would do. And for that I am proud. I’m stronger for it.

Before the challenge, I can confidently say that I was addicted to sugar and bread. I never go with instant cereal for lunch or dinner without a sandwich. And I always had a “healthy” dessert for dessert. The thought of starting 28 days with the little I was used to eating every day scared me. I thought it would be incredibly difficult. I remember scoffing at the idea of ​​skipping entire food groups in the past. However, I quickly changed my understanding of what was healthy and what was not.

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So, did it pay off? yes I haven’t lost weight, but that wasn’t the goal. Here are some results that surprised me:

Going into training, I expected to go crazy. Feeling completely deprived and craving grains and sugar. Instead, I felt the opposite. Instead of going crazy, I felt complete control over my food choices for the first time and exercised mad willpower. Doing this with Mr. was a good opportunity for us to focus on something and do something together, we often get together at dinner and encourage each other.

Yes I do; Yes, I’m fine. However, I allow myself to be deceived. If I stick to the Paleo diet 90 percent of the time and let real life intrude 10 percent of the time—dinner at a friend’s house, eating out at a favorite restaurant, dessert to celebrate something special—I think I’m doing it. very good I also add honey stinger gels to my workouts to use as fuel on long runs (I used raisins during testing), as well as Nuun tablets to help with hydration and electrolyte turnover.

Paleo Diet Weight Loss Results

I look at food completely differently than I did at the beginning of the year. Sometimes I feel like I have a secret that many people around me still don’t understand. It’s a pleasant and empowering feeling that I’m eating real food. I don’t let fake, processed, addictive stuff get the better of me (mostly for the better). This is a change of pace.

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Have you ever tried the paleo diet? What did you like the most? What was your biggest challenge? If you made a New Year’s resolution this year, are you still sticking to it or have you fallen off the wagon? How do you stay motivated to follow through on the health commitments you made in January? The whole story of my healing journey from childhood obesity to living with an autoimmune disease as a teenager. How AIP and Keto helped me achieve my goals; Put my autoimmune disease in remission and get strong AF!

Where do I start? How long should it last? I often share snippets