Nutrition And Weight Management Quizlet

By | February 4, 2024

Nutrition And Weight Management Quizlet – 2 Your energy balance Your metabolism converts the food you eat into fuel. 3500 calories equals one pound of fat. Foods high in fat will also be high in calories. Fried foods tend to be high in calories.

To maintain a healthy weight, you must burn the amount of calories you consume. To find out if your body weight falls in a healthy range, calculate your body mass index. A skinfold test involves measuring the thickness of the skin in different areas of the body to determine how much fat is stored under the skin.

Nutrition And Weight Management Quizlet

Nutrition And Weight Management Quizlet

Choose a food from the five main food groups. Choose high calorie, nutrient dense foods. Eat nutritious snacks. Get regular physical activity.

Nutrient Needs Of Athletes

5 Eating Disorders Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or binge eating usually occur during the teenage years.

6 Anorexia Nervosa A lack of food in which an irrational fear of gaining weight causes people to starve. The impossible view of himself. Results: osteoporosis, malnutrition, sudden cardiac death.

7 Bulimia Nervosa People with bulimia are frequent binge eaters, eating large amounts of food in one sitting, then purging with vomiting and/or laxatives. Results: dehydration, swollen glands, organ damage.

Lacto-ovo- Eat dairy products and eggs. Lacto vegetarians include dairy products in their diet and Ovo vegetarians include eggs in their diet. Protein, iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin B supplements are what vegetarians should take.

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1. What are three negative symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa? 2. Which neurotransmitter plays a role in mood and appetite? 3. What are the signs of bone loss found in women with anorexia? 4. Do you think there is a connection between media images of men and women and eating disorders? 5. What are three explanations given by experts for why many women develop eating disorders?

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What is uterine insufficiency? When does it usually happen? What are the reasons? How to find out? What can be treated? What can nurses do?

Nutrition And Weight Management Quizlet

Rapid dilation of the cervix, usually in the 4th or 5th month—Painless labor, bleeding–Associated with recurrent miscarriage in the 2nd trimester–Causes— Birth- Exposure to DES (a drug previously used to prevent miscarriage); bicornuate uterus — -Swelling, infection, injury, cone discharge, late 2nd trimester abortion —hormonal relaxation – Diagnosed by good history of frequent, painless and bloody abortions in the third trimester 2nd – Cerclage strengthens the weak uterus, usually at 14-18. weeks—Suture released during period—80-90% success rate——-can also do rescue part–Nursing management–Continuous monitoring of signs and symptoms of PTL– -back pain—UC—ROM—increased vaginal discharge–provide early care and education–motion control and follow-up

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Occurs in 3% of all pregnancies -Early diagnosis can reduce complications -Increased incidence of multiple cycles due to assisted reproductive technology (ART) -Maternal risk: —SOB —UTI, PTL, Hypertension in pregnancy— Placental abruption—Hydramnios—PP bleeding + anemia—All genes predispose.

Effects on the fetus -more baby= greater risk (twins have less risk than the journey is less than a square except) -Death 4 times more -Twin to transfusion (especially identical, one placenta 2 cords , the cords can overlap) -IUGR- intrauterine growth restriction -anomalies -Prematurity (due to uterine enlargement) – Abnormal presentation (One will be breech) Monochorionic placenta (one placenta) – Occurs in 30% of pregnancies Twins – Susceptible to problems – Anastomoses (BV connects between the fetus inside). placenta) –Allows blood flow between fetuses –15% of flow becomes unbalanced TTTS (twin to twin transfusion) -TTTS 90% perinatal mortality (untreated) –Early laser protection –One child- Anemia and anemia — if caught early enough, they can close the junction and resume normal growth.

Medical treatment -Frequent PN visits -Monitoring nutrition and weight gain -Series US: Assess growth -Limited movements (rest on left side) -Mostly born c/section: presentation of twins in non-vertex position (breech) – normal if the first child They are engaged in the uterus and then c/s to give birth to the second child. – two settings, indoor type (each child needs its own medical equipment [heat, EFM, nursing, etc.]) — make sure you identify it correctly

Prolonged, difficult, irregular labor course associated with 4 P –<.5 cm/hour over 4 hours- active (4-7 cm) — <1 cm/hour in fetal origin- stage 2nd (10 cm) -Nulliparas They are more prone to dysfunction -Multiparas are more prone to dysfunction – this is because different types delete and expand at the same time, they tire quickly . -30-50% off all brands c/parts

What To Eat To Speed Up Wound Healing

Pelvic shape – large baby – full bladder – body retraction ring – Bandl rings – The lower part is thinner while the upper part gets shorter and thicker – Strong waist tie that keeps the baby in place.

Dystocia –Ineffective Ucs need to be spaced or removed –Increasing incidence —Excessive uterus (Gemini, LGA, Hydraminios —Mothers (obesity, OR, length short mother) — Medicines (analyzes, epidurals) — – Complications (Chorioamnionitis/PROM) — Fetus (malposition, malposition) — Induction (Long labor, risk of ineffective labor) – Tachysystoli – More than 5 contractions in 10 minutes – due to oxytocin, cocaine use — May cause uterine rupture or placental abruption — Decreased blood flow and oxygen — Nursing measures decrease gas exchange, risk of fetal injury , risk of bleeding — You should turn the patient, give O2, and give IV fluids to treat this.

Cervical dilatation and effacement do not occur -UCs are irregular, weak and uterine changes do not occur -Late development (no change in uterine dilation within 2 hours) -Secret phase -and related to —Early uterine contractions —False labor —Premature labor or anesthesia –Medication depends on the cause —Pain-killers/sedatives (false labor) —Bathing keep warm, drink fluids, stay at home—Small dose of oxytocin (helps to revive the body and coordinate UC—tocolytic drugs (for high fever)–Active phase–Related—cephalopelvic manipulation– -Malignancy—Exhaustion—Fatigue–Treatment depends on the cause—Fob—Position change—Pain management—Relationship with recognition anxiety therapy—Amniotomy—Oxytocin

Nutrition And Weight Management Quizlet

Related — Fatigue — Anesthesia — Fear of injury — Decreased urge to push — Prolonged erections (when the baby is in the upper station) — 4 cm/hour at first — 2 cm/hour at most – Cord offspring -no improvement after 1 hour or 30 minutes more after stress -Management – correct the cause -Work – change position -Communicate treatment -Exercise -Rest and fluids

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Pregnancy more than 42 weeks — Primparous — preterm delivery — fetal anencephaly — male fetus — maternal obesity — genetic predisposition — nursing care — Determine EDB and prenatal testing — electronic monitoring — Assess meconium staining — Assess and support progress of labor — Maternal risks — Increased discomfort — Anxiety — Insomnia — C/s nutrients — Trauma/meconium — shoulder dystocia

Passenger complications Types of Adverse Effects Management Improper presentation – position and size of fetus in relation to pelvis -Type –OP- must convert to ROA or OA w/ change of position –Brow/face presentation — Side legs (death high) — –Risk of dyspnea, aspiration, and cerebral hemorrhage—should regress within 32 weeks –Effects –Risk of third or fourth degree rupture –Management-position change, get out of bed if no epidural, ball peanuts, passenger problems. Cephalopelvic imbalance Macrosomia What are the risks Maternal effects on delivery Effects on the fetus Cephalic deviation – Any change in the base that increases dilation or stimulation – Attempted labor for 4-6 hours Macrosomia – Fetus weighing > 4500 grams (9.15 lbs) – Risks — Brachial plexus injury – Cepahlhematoma – – Shoulder dystocia — Fractured ligaments – Mother — Soft tissue excision — PP bleeding — Symphysis pubis split – Fetal effects — Brachial plexus fractured clavicles – -Shoulder dystocia–Shoulder front block—Do mcrobert’s maneuver (legs wide and hole up to the ear–Lower head—Apply suprapubic pressure—Wood worker’s maneuver (push the head back) Mental problems–Dangerous feeling increases the mother’s stress – Fear leads to muscle tension (this reduces labor and increases fatigue – Construction of labor – Teach and provide comfort – Adjust temperature and light – Pain management – Any changes in the base by increasing the stretch or pushing birth complications Maternal effects – Fatigue – Dehydration – Infection – Changes in fetal coping skills – Fetal distress – cephalohematoma Nursing assessment – Maternal and fetal VS – Labor and dilatation – Stress and adaptation Nursing care plan – Consider augmentation – provide comfort and support – inform plan/causes Urinary Retention – Less than 3 us due to abnormally low maternal soft tissue resistance, Rapid dilatation and fetal contractions and strong UCs – Contributing factors – inflammation – large pelvis – rapid early labor – small fetuses – cocaine use – leads to labor – rapid, often unsupervised labor (no doctor but nurse present) – provide comfort and support – inform the patient — never do not leave the patient –sedate –Gather equipment: flashlight, gloves, clean towels, adhesive, scissors -Woman’s finger in labor pants to prevent her from pushing -Slowly compress the umbilical cord to slow the baby down discharge -Do not break the bed, immediately put the baby on the skin – Maternal effect – increased risk of uterine rupture – loss of incontinence – bruising – PP bleeding and hematoma – Fetal effect – – meconium stained fluid – low apgar – intracranial pressure — hypoxia – Nursing assessment — monitor UCs closely and slow cavity — monitor EFM for hypoxia and signs of distress — Nursing Actions — lateral position — give o2 — increase IV fluid, turn off cavity — up take to adaption –stay with pt for support –HIGH RISK OF BLOOD AND BLEEDING ,

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