Nutrition And Weight Loss Coach Near Me

By | April 2, 2023

Nutrition And Weight Loss Coach Near Me – I am the wife of an amazing husband who shares my passion for health and has been the catalyst for my career in fitness and nutrition. I am also the mother of two adorable kitties that I never knew I needed, but now I can’t live without them. I grew up in Ohio and currently live in Memphis, Tennessee while my husband finishes his residency.

As an athlete most of my life, health and fitness was more of a hobby than something I considered going to college with. I went to design school and graduated with a degree in interior design from one of the top design schools in the country. After working in design for a few years, I realized that I spent all of my free time learning as much as I could about personal nutrition and athlete performance enhancement, which allowed me to turn my passion for fitness and health into a career. has worked in the health and fitness industry for nearly ten years in a number of hats. I have experience as a competitive athlete, fitness trainer, nutrition coach, cook and create meal prep recipes and menus for local restaurants, and recently earned my Yoga Teacher Training Certificate.

Nutrition And Weight Loss Coach Near Me

Nutrition And Weight Loss Coach Near Me

I think it’s obvious that I believe in a holistic approach to health. This belief, combined with my love of learning and supporting others to live their best lives, has led me to this career of helping others do the same. I believe nutrition is much more than the food you put into your body, and creating habits in all areas of our lives can make a long-term difference.

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One of my biggest missions as a coach is to encourage my clients to embrace their own journey and recognize that it is just that – a journey that takes time and patience. We are always a work in progress. Our health is personal and our challenges and experiences are our own.

I am grateful to do the work that I do. My favorite part of coaching is witnessing clients feel liberated in their relationship with food, and the transformation clients go through as they pursue their goals and see how much better they feel all the time! I believe that the little things are where all the magic happens, that saying yes to a side of chips shouldn’t even be a problem, and recognizing that food allows you to live your best life.

I started playing sports at a very young age and fondly remember growing up learning to work hard, be disciplined and strive to be the best. I’ve always led an active lifestyle, but my personal nutritional journey has been one of learning and a lot of trial and error (and continues to this day!).

For me, nutrition was never really an aesthetic goal, more about expressing my best self. Even so, I didn’t really think about the role nutrition played in my performance or fitness level until I started CrossFit in 2012 and someone gave me a Paleo book. I knew I wanted to compete and I wanted to change my diet in a way that would help me improve my performance, but I didn’t know what that meant. Over the years, I’ve tried different diets, from Paleo to Whole 30. While I ate “clean” and felt better, I never felt like I was eating to improve my performance and struggling to get enough energy to get through training, let alone maximize recovery. At this point, I was overtraining and overeating – my body wasn’t happy, it was telling me through signs like amenorrhea, and I couldn’t recover from my workouts. My relationship with food was defined by a list of approved foods, but none of them helped me achieve my goals.

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Once I dived deeper and learned more about nutrition and started working with my trainer, I was able to really understand what I was eating and pay attention to my nutrition outside of the gym. The accountability, knowledge and support of the trainer gave me insight into my personal nutrition, which had a huge impact on how I performed and recovered. Not only did tracking my macros help me learn how to eat for training and competition goals, but it also helped me overcome a limiting mindset and approach my nutrition with a focus on overall performance and flexibility. I know that carbs are essential, eating more is a good thing, and finding balance in my diet is about both nutrition and recovery.

Even now that I’m not competing and focusing more on overall health, my goal of looking and feeling my best hasn’t changed. Tracking is a tool I still use from time to time because it holds me accountable to making sure I’m eating enough to stay healthy and happy. In fact, my diet has become my source of persistence and habit-building, allowing me to manage a very demanding schedule, balancing several jobs (because I love what I do!) and a husband with a demanding career. As someone with a very busy life, flexible eating has helped me balance my busy lifestyle and continue to strive to be the best version of myself.

¦ Working with Diana literally changed my life. I have a healthier relationship with food and myself. I became more acutely aware of the effects of sleep and stress on my body. I learned to better listen to my body’s signals of hunger and the need for rest. I’m enjoying exercise again and I don’t feel burnt out from exercise or diet. I’ve learned to be kinder to myself and that nutritional flexibility is a safe choice that doesn’t lead to overeating at night and feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. Diana helped me navigate situations, pointed out things that were going well when I was stuck, she was always positive and supportive and constantly helped me remember why flexibility is important. ¾

Nutrition And Weight Loss Coach Near Me

I’ve been looking to gradually increase my macros to better fuel my workouts and build strength, and I’m getting so much more than I expected! I quickly realized how twisted my relationship with food was, and Diana held my hand basically every step of the way. She has tons of great ideas and feedback every week and has helped change the way I think about food and eating habits. It’s still a challenging process and I have to work really hard, but Diana makes me feel like I can always be open and honest about any struggle I’m going through and that it’s all part of my process. I can now enjoy certain foods I love without feeling guilty or overtraining to compensate, and my mood, energy, sleep, and recovery are better than I expected. I am so grateful for the investment I made in myself and the investment she made in seeing me succeed. ª

Stronger U For Weight Loss

Perform better! I can honestly say that I am in the best shape of my life and I attribute that to hard work, persistence and KLN. ª

¦ Coach D – I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I learned a lot during the trip and feel more confident in my own skin. You always encouraged me and are always there for me if I need you. When I started this journey 1 year ago I felt like I hit a wall after trying so many different diets and failing every time because they were never sustainable. My relationship with food is terrible. Now, the anxiety that was there is now gone. I am no longer afraid to eat a cookie or a piece of birthday cake. I learned to enjoy the experience instead of labeling food as “good” or “bad”. I have come a long way and I will be forever grateful to you and KLN. ª

When I realized that my relationship with food was terrible, I finally decided to hire a nutrition coach. I thought I knew what a macro was, but mine just consists of chicken, broccoli, almonds, and protein powder. I am overweight and very unhappy. Diana held out her hand encouragingly. My original goal was just to lose weight. With persistence, I was able to drop from 268 lbs to around 212 lbs. I have retained most of my power and now move on to learning how to trigger my events. I feel great, look great and can run again for the first time in 4 years while doing my daily Crossfit exercises. Most importantly, my year in year out

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