Mental Health Self Care Tips

By | March 24, 2024

Mental Health Self Care Tips – A small disclaimer: My site is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical care. The resources contained herein are not intended to be all-inclusive, nor are they offered as a “cure-all” in any way. Mental health is affected by many factors, and I highly recommend seeking professional help if you are constantly struggling with your mental health. This page is only meant to provide a starting point to get you thinking about your mental health and to give you resources to intentionally take care of your overall mental health.

I’ve created a little “Mental Health Self Care Challenge” to encourage us to be more aware of activities that can help us calm our mind and body and bring peace.

Mental Health Self Care Tips

Mental Health Self Care Tips

See how much you can make per month. Challenge yourself to do just one thing a day to maintain your sanity.

Free, Custom Printable Mental Health Awareness Posters

It’s easy to let the days get busy and let endless tasks take priority over self-care. But neglecting our mental health eventually catches up with us and can lead to a mental health crisis (ask me how I know 😉). Do you know the signs of increased anxiety? Do you recognize when your body is overworked? Are you aware of your daily habits and how they can affect your mental and physical health? Do you pay attention to your daily rhythms and routines and how they can affect your mind and body? Do you pay attention to your emotions so you can identify your mood?

Taking a few minutes to assess how you’re really doing can help you find ways to improve your mental health.

By paying attention to your emotions, you can recognize your mood. It can help you identify activities or habits that can affect your mental health – both positively and negatively. Are you more tired when you eat a lot of sugar? Do you feel happy on your days with other people? Or maybe that day makes you anxious? When you pay attention to your mood and the things that affect your mood, you can take better care of your health.

This mood tracker is for a 31-day month. Assign your own color to each emotion/mood and Color the flowers in your garden every day according to how you feel that day.

Mental Health Tips To Help You Tackle 2022

Another mood tracker for the last 30 days. Assign your own color to each emotion/mood and Color the sunshine every day according to how you feel that day. This page doubles as a coloring page, a calming exercise for stressful days.

One big thing we’ve learned on this mental health journey is the importance of breathing and how important it is to slow down and take deep breaths when anxiety and panic start to rise.

There are tons of breathing exercises out there (google it for tons of resources). One that I recently discovered and love is the Breath Prayer.

Mental Health Self Care Tips

Breathing prayer combines deep breathing exercises with a meditative prayer of God’s word to calm your body and focus your mind on the truth.

Mental Health Archives

When you feel anxious or panicked, the sympathetic nervous system kicks into action, increasing your heart rate and initiating rapid, shallow breathing that can lead to hyperventilation. Breathing is partly dictated by your thoughts. What you think affects how you breathe. Focusing on negative thoughts and worries can increase feelings of anxiety and panic, making it harder for you to breathe.

Deep breathing exercises help the parasympathetic nervous system, slow your heart rate and breathing, and help you calm down. And by turning your mind away from negative worries and consciously turning to Truth, you can begin to calm your mind, shift your focus, and “let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (Romans 12:2)

(Read more about Breath Prayer, including instructions on how to do it, in this article: Breath Prayer)

Breath as Prayer guides you through the practical and proven health benefits of Christian breath prayer: a Bible-based prayer that focuses your mind on Christ as you calm your body with intentional breathing.

Self Care Tips For How To Deal With Anxiety

Caring for the brain and mind is an important part of maintaining overall health. This template is full of self-care ideas to help you when you’re anxious, stressed, anxious, scared, or depressed.

This printable comes in two color options (one with a white background and one with a blue background)…choose your favorite and print it and hang it on your bathroom mirror, tuck it in your nightstand drawer. , or put it above your desk to inspire you to prioritize your mental health every day.

Fun idea: collect self-care products for a friend and include this print for a great self-care-themed gift.

Mental Health Self Care Tips

Print this 6×6 art print to hang above your desk, to attach to your bathroom mirror, or as a self-care gift for a friend.

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If you’re feeling overwhelmed and anxiety is building, one way to calm your mind is to practice some mindfulness techniques.

Mindfulness helps you focus on the present moment. Research shows that mindfulness can help reduce anxiety and depression. Mindfulness involves learning to respond to stress by increasing your awareness of what is happening in the present moment… not worrying about the future or overthinking the past, but focusing your mind and awareness on the present moment.

One way to do that is to focus on your five senses: what you SEE now, FEEL now, HEAR now, SMELL now, and TASTE now.

Combining deep breathing exercises with mindfulness can help reduce anxiety and calm your mind and body during times of stress.

Student Self Care Night

This print comes in two color options, one with a white background and one with a green background. Print your favorite and hang it on the bathroom mirror, tuck it in a bedside drawer or place it above your desk.

Feeling anxious from time to time is a normal part of life. Each of us has felt nervous, agitated, or excited while navigating or anticipating life’s events. Upcoming tests or assessments, unplanned activities or unpleasant situations can make us anxious. And we all know what it’s like to worry, whether it’s about the future, finances or our children, we can all worry from time to time.

However, for people with anxiety disorders, these feelings of anxiety are persistent, overwhelming, and seemingly unbearable. If it’s an excessive, irrational fear of everyday situations, it can be disabling. It can interfere with their daily lives and even prevent them from participating in activities or going to places that increase these feelings.

Mental Health Self Care Tips

Anxiety disorders can be caused by a complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events. There are no simple answers or quick fixes when it comes to managing anxiety disorders, as the causes and symptoms vary between individuals and situations. But there are strategies and tools that can help reduce feelings of anxiety and help you take care of your mental health when those feelings of anxiety start to increase.

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This is by no means everything, just some tips to get you started thinking about what you can do to protect your mental health when you’re worried)

There are two versions of this printable PDF: one with a green background and one with a white background. Print your favorite and hang it on the bathroom mirror, tuck it in a bedside drawer or place it above your desk. You can even collect self-care products for your friends and print them out for a great self-care themed gift.

What do you do when you’re scared? You may not be able to control the storm outside or the situation you fear, but there are steps you can take to control your fear.

As Christians, it’s easy to ignore the 365+ times the Bible tells us to “fear not.” Sounds simple, right? Yes, God warns us not to be afraid. I wonder if there are so many reminders because He knows how prone we are to fear and forget that He is with us? He knows. He sees our fear, and He knows we will be afraid. And the greatest comfort when we are afraid is to remind us that He is with us.

Self Care Plan: How To Create Your Own!

For people struggling with mental health issues like panic disorder or agoraphobia, fear is a little more complicated. Due to various factors, such as brain chemistry or even previous traumas, even daily activities can trigger overwhelming fear, anxiety and panic.

So what do you do if you are plagued by fear? Pray and remember that God is with you? Yeah. Absolutely. But also, keep your mind and