Mental Health Self Care Checklist

By | December 22, 2023

Mental Health Self Care Checklist – We have reached May! Judging by what I’ve been reading on my Twitter timeline, I think we can all agree that March felt like a year and April flew by in the blink of an eye. I can’t believe he didn’t go to work there

I miss my students so much and I’m losing my mind trying to keep myself busy.

Mental Health Self Care Checklist

Mental Health Self Care Checklist

I’ve seen the idea of ​​a self-care challenge floating around the internet and loved it. It’s really hard to remember to take care of yourself when your whole routine is thrown into disarray. We have so many things to worry about right now that the last thing we focus on is our own mental health.

Self Care Checklist Blue For Children And Teacher Mental Health

I chose to create my own self-care challenge as a way to promote self-focus during these stressful times. This is not meant to be a huge undertaking. The starting point is to do something small every day for yourself. Feel free to change some of the days if they don’t work for you (for example, you don’t want to go for a walk outside on a rainy day!).

I will do the challenge with all of you! Be sure to follow me on Instagram for daily updates.

I know this sounds very simple and basic, but let’s be real, how many of you have been doing this every day since quarantine started? I do not know! Even if you’re just changing from one pair of pajamas to another, it’s better than nothing. The smallest effort to take care of yourself can really make a difference in your mindset.

Day 4: Choose an area of ​​your home (or room) and set a timer for 20 minutes. See how much you can clean! For many people, self-care is the essential set of behaviors that only come to mind when you’re really stressed or on the verge of burnout. They know it’s important, but somehow they manage to go on without it… until it becomes almost impossible to go on! Sound like you?

Ways To Heal: The Ultimate Self Care Checklist

I know you are busy and it is impossible to set aside time. So today I’m going to share one of my most basic self-care checklists. Something that doesn’t require you to spare a moment to follow. Yes, you read that right!

Keep this checklist handy and answer five simple questions when you’re feeling stressed/upset/irritated or low on energy and motivation.

Do you sometimes feel irritated or upset for no apparent reason? Can you remember a time when you couldn’t do anything despite trying so hard? Do you sometimes feel inexplicably low on energy and motivation? Before you start searching for explanations on Google, answer these five simple questions:

Mental Health Self Care Checklist

The answers to these five questions will help you satisfy some of the most basic human needs: hunger, thirst, sleep, exercise and social connection. Everyone has periods of feeling “emotional”, seemingly for no reason. But the signals our mind and body transmit are rarely without reason. When our basic needs are not adequately met, it can cause changes in our mood, our ability to think, learn and even make decisions.

A Self Care Checklist For Your Mental Health

Nutrition and hydration are not only essential for physical health, but also play an indispensable role in our mental health. Avoid processed and sugary foods and try to nourish your body with a healthy and balanced diet. Staying hydrated plays a critical role in maintaining your mood and energy levels. Even mild dehydration can disrupt brain function and affect your ability to concentrate. Drink plenty of water or other sugar-free drinks.

Getting enough sleep is also equally important. A rested mind and body are more efficient and alert. Lack of adequate sleep affects physical and mental health. It can also negatively affect your ability to learn, think and recall memories.

A little fresh air can do wonders for your mood. It is clinically proven that regular physical exercise helps release endorphins, which in turn trigger positive emotions. If you’ve been locked in for hours, try going outside for a while. Weather permitting, you can even work outside. If going out is not possible, just stand on the balcony/terrace/window or even move around the house!

One of the least talked about human needs is the need for connection. Talking to someone else, whether it’s about your feelings or even the weather, helps reduce feelings of isolation and boosts your mood. Maybe you prefer to work alone or don’t mind not having human company all the time. But even for self-proclaimed “lone wolves”, some social connection is essential!

Self Care Checklist For Students

Most of the time, meeting these basic needs of food, water, rest, exercise, and connection will help raise your mood and energy. But if they don’t seem to help, or if the low levels keep coming back, talk to your doctor and/or therapist.

Self-care is an ongoing practice and not a last ditch effort to save your emotional health. I hope that taking care of you becomes a regular practice! Some links in this post contain affiliate links, including Amazon Associate links. I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases if you use the links at no extra cost to you.

? You can be happier, more productive and live up to your potential. Or maybe you just need some self-love or R&R.

Mental Health Self Care Checklist

I got you! I’m a wellness expert and by the end of this article, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to feel good today with this daily self-care list!

Self Care For Kids

Whether you’re looking for self-care day ideas or just want a quick list of self-care routines, you’ll enjoy these ideas!

When you feel good in your body and mind, it’s easier to handle everything life throws at you with confidence! Self-care looks different for everyone, so there is no extreme self-care checklist that works for everyone.

This means that there are as many types of self-care as there are self-care activities! Having the right self-care strategies is essential to navigating through all of this and really helps you recover and find more energy.

Think about what you like to do, your current habits and how much time you want to spend.

Daily Self Care Checklist Printables: 11 Gorgeous Templates + Ideas

This list of self-care activities will help you pick and choose what you need! Of course, you can’t and don’t have to do everything!

✅ Mindfulness: I teach mindfulness and love it to improve my emotional well-being. You can click here to learn a meditation technique or click here to learn how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.

✅ Connect with others: We need human connection and love to feel good. You can do group self-care activities like meditating with a friend or just reaching out to someone.

Mental Health Self Care Checklist

✅ Time for yourself: We all need time alone, I personally am a fan of a really fun self-care activity called “no one talks to me for an hour!” 🙃

Pocket Sized Gratitude Journals

✅ Disconnect: From your electronics and your to-do list, it’s time to shut yourself off from the outside world! Click here to read this digital detox plan below.

✅ Set limits: know your limits! Boundaries can be physical, mental, emotional… Just tuning in to your feelings while socializing with people will help you do this.

✅ Learn new things and keep your mind active: When was the last time you learned something new? It could be anything like a new recipe, trying a new workout or working on that side of stress!

✅ Personal development: maximize your happiness and realize your potential by understanding yourself better and setting goals accordingly. You can start with these self-discovery sign-up prompts or use self-care affirmations (here)

Self Care Checklists

✅ Have fun and relax: Yes, chilling and enjoying life IS taking care of yourself. So have fun with your loved ones, relax in your pajamas or sleep!

✅ Sleep: When we lack sleep, we cannot manage our emotions and make poorer decisions. Try a nighttime routine to sleep better.

✅ Good food: Eat to nourish your body but also to nourish you on a deeper level – eat nutritious and tasty food while making your meals enjoyable!

Mental Health Self Care Checklist

✅ Drinking water: such an easy way to feel good! Be sure to bring your reusable water bottle.

Tips For Creating A Self Care Checklist

✅ Movement: Our bodies were meant to move, so take a walk or try a new class!

✅ Go outside or get in touch with nature: nothing better than going for a walk, opening the windows to let in some fresh air or being a plant parent 🌱

✅ Other ways to take care of your body: like getting a massage, bathing, having a skincare routine or just brushing your teeth (and that’s a lot on some days!)

If you are interested in self-care after burnout and how to recover with yoga, you should read this article below!

Kids Help Phone’s Self Care Checklist

My advice is don’t wait until you feel bad to take care of yourself, but make it a habit.

I hope you enjoyed this article with quick self care ideas to create a daily checklist. Now you know some simple strategies to keep feeling good and take care of yourself. continue