Keto Diet And Weight Loss

By | March 1, 2024

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The keto or “keto” diet is a low-carb, low-fat diet that has been used for centuries to treat certain conditions. at 7 p.m

Keto Diet And Weight Loss

Keto Diet And Weight Loss

In the 19th century, the ketogenic diet was commonly used to help control diabetes. It was introduced in the 1920s as an effective treatment for epilepsy in children for whom drugs had failed. The ketogenic diet has also been tested and used in closely monitored cases of cancer, diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, and Alzheimer’s disease.

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However, the diet is getting a lot of attention as a potential weight-loss strategy because of the low-carb diet craze that began in the 1970s with the Atkins diet (a low-carb, high-protein diet that became a commercial success and elevated the popular diets of low carb at a new level). Other low-carb diets today, including Paleo, South Beach, and Dukan, are high in protein but moderate in fat. In contrast, the keto diet is notable for being extremely high in fat, typically around 70% to 80%, despite consuming moderate amounts of protein.

The premise of the ketogenic diet for weight loss is that when you deprive the body of glucose, the main source of energy for all body cells, which is obtained by eating carbohydrate foods, the stored fat produces an alternative fuel called ketones. hence the term “keto” – genetic). The brain requires most of the glucose in fixed amounts, about 120 grams per day, because it cannot store glucose. During fasting or eating very few carbohydrates, the body first pulls stored glucose from the liver and temporarily breaks down the muscles to release the glucose. If this continues for 3-4 days and all the stored glucose is used up, the blood level of a hormone called insulin drops and the body begins to use fat as its main fuel. The liver produces ketone bodies from fat that can be used in the absence of glucose. [1]

When ketones build up in the blood, it’s called ketosis. Healthy people naturally go into mild ketosis during periods of fasting (such as sleeping through the night) and during very heavy exercise. Proponents of the ketogenic diet argue that if the diet is followed carefully, blood ketone levels should not reach harmful levels (known as “ketoacidosis”) because the brain will use ketones for fuel, and healthy people will produce enough insulin to prevent excess. ketone formation. [2] When ketosis occurs and the number of ketones that accumulate in the blood varies from person to person and depends on factors such as body fat percentage and resting metabolic rate. [3]

Excess ketones in the blood can lead to dangerously toxic levels of acid called ketoacidosis. During ketoacidosis, the kidneys begin to excrete ketones along with body water in the urine, causing fluid-related weight loss. Ketoacidosis often occurs in people with type 1 diabetes because they do not produce insulin, a hormone that prevents the overproduction of ketones. However, in some rare cases, ketoacidosis has been reported in non-diabetic patients after long-term low-carbohydrate diets. [4, 5]

Diet Review: Ketogenic Diet For Weight Loss

There is no single ketogenic diet that contains a specific percentage of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats). A ketogenic diet typically reduces total carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams per day, which is less than an average plain bagel, and can go as low as 20 grams per day. In general, common sources of ketones suggest an average of 70-80% of your total daily calories from fat, 5-10% from carbs, and 10-20% from protein. For a 2,000-calorie diet, that translates to about 165 grams of fat, 40 grams of carbs, and 75 grams of protein. The amount of protein in the ketogenic diet is moderate compared to other low-carb, low-protein diets because eating too much protein can prevent ketosis. Protein amino acids can be converted to glucose, so a ketogenic diet prescribes enough protein to maintain lean body mass, including muscle, but will cause ketosis to occur.

There are many types of ketogenic diets, but they all prohibit foods high in carbohydrates. Some of these foods may be obvious: starches from refined grains and whole grains such as bread, cereal, pasta, rice, and crackers; potatoes, corn and other starchy vegetables; and fruit juices. Some beans, legumes and most fruits may not be so obvious. Most ketogenic plans allow foods high in saturated fat, such as fatty cuts of meat, processed meats, lard, and butter, as well as sources of unsaturated fat, such as nuts, seeds, avocados, vegetable oils, and fatty fish. Depending on your source of information, lists of ketogenic foods may vary and even conflict.

“Net carbs” and “effective carbs” are familiar terms in ketogenic diets as well as diabetes diets. These are unregulated interchangeable terms invented by food manufacturers as a marketing strategy and appear on some food labels to claim that the product contains fewer “useful” carbohydrates than stated. [6] Net carbohydrates or effect carbohydrates are the amount of carbohydrates that are directly absorbed by the body and provide calories. It is calculated by subtracting the amount of indigestible carbohydrates from the total amount of carbohydrates. Indigestible (non-absorbed) carbohydrates include insoluble fiber from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables; and sugar alcohols such as mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol, commonly used in sugar-free foods. However, these calculations are not an exact or reliable science because the effects of sugar alcohols on absorption and blood sugar levels can vary. Some sugar alcohols can still add calories and raise blood sugar. Also, total calories do not change despite net carbs, which is an important factor in weight loss. Even within the ketogenic diet community, there is debate about the value of using net carbs.

Keto Diet And Weight Loss

Programs recommend following a keto diet until desired weight loss is achieved. Once this is achieved, the diet can be followed for a few days a week or a few weeks each month, alternating with other days that allow for more carbohydrates to prevent weight regain.

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A ketogenic diet has been shown to produce beneficial metabolic changes in the short term. Along with weight loss, health parameters associated with carrying extra weight, such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and triglycerides, improved. [2, 7] There is also increasing interest in low-carbohydrate diets, including the ketogenic diet, for type 2 diabetes. There are several theories as to why the ketogenic diet promotes weight loss, although they have not been consistently proven in research: [2, 8, 9]

The findings below are only from studies on the ketogenic diet: the studies cited contain approximately 70-80% fat, 10-20% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates. So-called “low-carb” diets may not include these specific ratios, allowing for higher protein or carbohydrate intake. Therefore, diets that define the terms “ketogenic” or “keto” or follow the above macronutrient ratios are included in this list. Additionally, while there is extensive research on the use of the ketogenic diet for other medical conditions, this list only included studies that examined ketogenic diets for obesity or overweight. (

A high-fat diet can be difficult to maintain. Possible symptoms of severe carb restriction, which can last for days to weeks, include hunger, fatigue, low mood, irritability, constipation, headaches, and brain fog. While these uncomfortable feelings may subside, staying content with the limited food choices available and refraining from pleasurable foods like crunchy apples or creamy sweet potatoes can present new challenges.

Some negative side effects of a long-term ketogenic diet have been suggested, including an increased risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis, as well as increased blood uric acid (a risk factor for gout). If the ketogenic diet does not include a variety of recommended foods, potential nutrient deficiencies can occur. It is important not to focus only on fatty foods, but to include a variety of meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds allowed each day to ensure adequate intake of fibre, B vitamins and minerals (iron, magnesium and zinc). ) – nutrients that are usually found in foods such as whole grains that She is limited in her diet. Since all food groups are eliminated, the help of a registered dietitian can be helpful in creating a ketogenic diet that minimizes nutrient deficiencies.

Keto Diet Success In Achieving Weight Loss

The available research on the ketogenic diet for weight loss is still limited. Most studies to date have had small numbers of participants, were short-term (12 weeks or less) and did not include control groups. The ketogenic diet has been shown to have short-term benefits in some people, including weight loss and improvements in total cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. However, these effects are not significantly different after one year compared to the effects of traditional weight loss diets. [10]

Eliminating many food groups and the potential for unpleasant symptoms can make compliance difficult. Focusing on foods high in saturated fat also goes against the recommendations given to Americans and the American Heart Association’s Dietary Guidelines and can negatively affect LDL cholesterol. However, it is possible to modify the diet to emphasize low-fat foods