Health Care Tips For Monsoon

By | April 22, 2023

Health Care Tips For Monsoon – After a long wait, the rainy season has finally arrived. Although the onset of the rainy season alleviated the unbearable heat, this season also brought many ailments. The combination of a humid climate, heavy rains and strong winds spread infectious diseases easily. Viral fever, stomach infections, cold and swine flu are some of the common health problems during the rainy season. So in this blog, we go into detail about some of the common health issues that arise during monsoons and ways to stay safe. Check out the infographic for an overview of health issues during the rainy season and ways to stay safe.

A deadly disease that attacks many people during the rainy season, DHF is caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Some of the common symptoms of dengue fever include high fever, rash, headache, hypersensitivity and low platelet count. Make sure to remove standing water from the house and keep the environment clean to avoid dengue fever.

Health Care Tips For Monsoon

Health Care Tips For Monsoon

Contaminated food and water are the main causes of typhus. The infection is caused by the Salmonella typhi bacteria that reproduces in dirty water and unsanitary conditions. This is the reason why it is recommended to stay away from outside food, especially in the rainy season. Make sure you have a water purifier at home to remove different types of contaminants from your water.

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Hepatitis A is caused by consuming contaminated food and water. Hepatitis A affects the liver, so it can be life-threatening. Make sure the fruits and vegetables you eat are washed properly to avoid hepatitis A. You can use vegetable and fruit sanitizer to wash raw food ingredients and make them safe for use.

Viral fever is quite common, especially when there is a sudden change in climate. Characterized by chills, fever and body aches, viral fever is contagious and spreads through physical contact or airborne droplets. The infection lasts 3-7 days.

Drinking contaminated water is one of the main causes of illness during the rainy season. Make sure you drink clean water to be safe. Avoid bottled water and install a water purifier so that there are no traces of bacteria and viruses in your drinking water.

Eating out is a no-no during monsoons. The unsanitary conditions and contaminated water used to make food make you susceptible to a number of diseases such as stomach infections, hepatitis A.

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Make sure your home is well ventilated and clean. If there are leaks or damp areas in your home, fix them so they don’t trigger asthma attacks and respiratory problems.

Monsoon is the time when you love to indulge in fried and spicy snacks and enjoy the weather. However, make sure you avoid eating food outside to protect yourself from monsoon diseases. Pay special attention to the water you drink, as it is a major source of illness during the rainy season. Home » Blog » Monsoon Health Tips: Dos and Don’ts to Stay Safe and Healthy During Rains

Monsoon Health Tips: Simple Dos and Don’ts to Stay Safe and Healthy During Monsoon Posted on July 17, 2018

Health Care Tips For Monsoon

The rainy season can cause health problems because more than 80% of all diseases are transmitted through water, and the probability of contamination of drinking water is highest during this time. A simple list of dos and don’ts will give you extra protection.

Monsoon Health Tips: Simple Do’s & Don’ts To Stay Healthy

• Eat freshly cooked food: Boost your immunity by eating nutritious food. Eat fresh and home-cooked food. Avoid old food, while raw fruits and vegetables must be washed before eating.

• Keep your house clean: Monsoons provide an ideal combination of heat and humidity for the breeding of insects like flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, cockroaches, ants etc. These insects hide in the darkest and most inaccessible corners of our homes and carry with them bacteria and viruses which in turn can cause diseases like typhoid, cholera, dengue fever, malaria, chikungunya, etc.

• Drinking pure water: One of the most common sources of infection during the rainy season is water. As a result of heavy rainfall, the water supplied through PDAM is often murky and full of germs due to flooding and the mixing of potable water and sewage. Drinking contaminated water can cause serious waterborne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, gastroenteritis and many others. So, to avoid this and protect your family from this potential disease, it is very important to use the best water purifier for home.

• Avoid getting wet in the rain: Avoid being seen in rainwater or going out in heavy rain. If necessary, wear rubber shoes or remember to wash contact areas with soap and water as soon as possible.

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• Avoid raw and exposed street food: Our digestive system becomes weak in this season so you should avoid spicy, fried, raw and junk street food as it has a hot thermal effect on our body and makes us feel lazy and lethargic.

• Stay protected from mosquitoes: Use an insect repellent that is safe for the skin to avoid mosquito bites. Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Check where you live for contamination hotspots, e.g. AC trays, flower pots, flower vases and clogged drains. If there is a pond near your house, then grow Gambusia fish as it can reduce the possibility of mosquito breeding. Alternatively, contact the city authorities for fumigation.

The rainy season has come again and you need to take care of yourself so you don’t get sick. Check out this list of common ailments to stay away from to protect yourself.

Health Care Tips For Monsoon

Cholera is a deadly disease that spreads during the rainy season. It is caused when food and water are contaminated with a bacteria called Vibrio Cholerae, which is found in feces. Flies that feed on excrement are often carriers of this disease.

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Typhoid is a waterborne disease that is very common during the rainy season. This is caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi which is often found in contaminated food and water. Flies often transmit this disease.

It is the most common disease that affects people of all age groups. When general immunity is low due to the stress and strains of modern life, changes in weather and humidity can lead to viral infections such as the common cold, fever and throat infection.

During monsoons, people are more prone to fungal infections. This is due to the increased humidity in the atmosphere and the lack of direct sunlight for many days. Additional care in personal hygiene is recommended.

Copyright © 2021 Alfaa UV. All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | Created by Capsicum After the scorching heat of summer, monsoons come as a relief. The temperature is finally bearable, there is a lot of greenery around and a cool breeze greets you when you step outside. While there may be many advantages to look out for in this season, don’t forget that monsoons also have skin problems. As the weather becomes more unpredictable and humidity levels rise, your skin will struggle to adapt to the changes and maintain its glow. A good monsoon skin care routine should be followed to combat this. Those with oily and acne-prone skin may also face a tough time this season to keep excess oil on the face under control.

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As the weather changes, it’s also important to change up your skin care routine. Using gentle products and following a monsoon skin care routine can keep the problem at bay. In addition to the basic elements of cleaning, toning and hydration, you must also follow some tips that will keep your skin in optimal health throughout the season. In this article, we have listed 12 essential monsoon skin care tips that you should immediately add to your routine for flawless and healthy skin.

It is important to keep your skin dry but hydrated during monsoons to prevent fungal and bacterial infections. With these monsoon skin care tips, your skin will stay healthy and look beautiful throughout the season. Scroll down to read them all.

Soap-free cleansers are gentle and don’t strip the skin of its natural oils, which are important in all seasons. Regardless of skin type, switch to a soap-free face wash during monsoons to remove dirt and oil without drying out your skin. Remember not to wash your face too much, 2-3 times a day is enough even if it feels greasy. Excessive washing will lead to excess sebum production and lead to problems like clogged pores and breakouts.

Health Care Tips For Monsoon

Regular exfoliation should be part of your monsoon skin care routine. It helps remove dead skin cells and gives the skin a healthy glow. Exfoliating your skin 2-3 times a week also increases blood circulation, which helps flush out toxins. When the layer of dead skin cells is removed, your skin care products will be absorbed better. Instead of scrubbing at home, opt for treatments like microdermabrasion and chemical peels to prevent infections and keep your skin clear.

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If you wear less or no makeup