Diet Soda And Weight Gain Reddit

By | November 8, 2023

Diet Soda And Weight Gain Reddit – Babies of mothers who drink diet drinks daily during pregnancy are more likely to gain weight, researchers said on Monday.

It’s not clear why—and studies don’t show that diet drinks make babies gain more weight.

Diet Soda And Weight Gain Reddit

Diet Soda And Weight Gain Reddit

But the study adds another piece to a growing picture showing that what happens during pregnancy can have lifelong consequences for babies.

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The study – of more than 3,000 women and their babies – showed that the children of women who drank diet drinks daily during pregnancy were twice as likely to be overweight as parents compared to the babies of women who drank alcohol. no sweetened drinks.

“To our knowledge, our results provide the first human evidence that artificial sweetener consumption during pregnancy may increase the risk of childhood obesity,” Meghan Azad of the Children’s Hospital Research Center of Manitoba and colleagues wrote in their report. diary. JAMA Pediatrics Journal of the American Medical Association.

“Given the current epidemic of childhood obesity and the widespread use of artificial sweeteners, further research is warranted to confirm the findings and explore the underlying biological mechanisms, with the ultimate goal of informing evidence-based nutritional recommendations for pregnant women.”

Researchers know that excessive weight gain during pregnancy can also make babies overweight. Doctors recommend that pregnant women gain enough weight, but not too much, during pregnancy, and say that a healthy diet and moderate exercise can help.

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Women who are addicted to artificial sweeteners may continue to use them during pregnancy in an attempt to keep their weight down. In Azad’s study, nearly 30 percent of pregnant women said they drank sugar-sweetened beverages while pregnant, and about 5 percent said they drank them every day.

“Our study confirms previous research showing that alcohol consumption is associated with obesity, diabetes, smoking and poor diet.”

And about 5 percent of children were obese at age 1.

Diet Soda And Weight Gain Reddit

The researchers found that the diet drinkers were also overweight themselves, and most of them did not score well on the healthy eating index. But the results in children were still consistent with diet drinks even when these factors were taken into account, the researchers said.

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“Our study confirms previous studies showing that alcohol consumption is associated with obesity, diabetes, smoking, and poor diet, all of which are maternal risk factors for obesity in offspring,” they wrote.

Susan Groth, an assistant professor at the University of Rochester School of Nursing, said the study was well done but said there was no clear message for any woman.

“The message is to be careful not to drink too much of these alcoholic beverages because they can affect your baby along the way,” Groth, who studies weight gain during pregnancy, told NBC News.

“It gives us evidence that maybe something is going on that we should be paying attention to,” added Groth, who was not involved in the study.

Looking To Lose Weight? New Research Shows Diet Drinks Might Not Be The Sweet Spot

Research on whether diet drinks help maintain weight is often controversial, with some finding that people who drink a lot of diet drinks are more likely to gain weight, while others believe they are better than sugary drinks.

But many American women tend to gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, and many studies show that this has negative consequences for children.

Groth says there is a lack of information on feeding children when they start eating solids. “And we don’t know what my mother ate, except cold drinks,” he added.

Diet Soda And Weight Gain Reddit

Maggie Fox is a senior writer for NBC News and TODAY covering health policy, science, medical care and disease. Dr. Pepper cans are sold at a supermarket in Princeton, Illinois. Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Discontinued Sodas That Returned After Customer Outcry — Eat This Not That

There’s nothing deceptive about calling soda “diet” even if it doesn’t help you lose weight, a federal appeals court has ruled.

A three-judge panel at the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco refused to reinstate a class-action lawsuit filed by a California woman who accused the makers of Diet Dr Pepper of false advertising by using the word “diet” in the product’s name. .

“Dictionary definitions of the word ‘diet’ generally refer to weight loss or other health benefits derived from a specific or limited selection of foods or beverages,” the woman, Shana Becerra, said in her suit.

She said she drank Diet Dr Pepper for 13 years, believing it would help her lose weight. He felt cheated if not.

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The suit, which also said decades of ads showing thin models enjoying the drink was a hoax, said aspartame, the calorie-free sweetener in Diet Dr Pepper, can actually lead to weight gain and other health challenges.

But the court rejected those arguments this week, upholding a lower court ruling that the drink’s maker, Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Inc., did not violate the laws and that Becerra’s aspartame studies were insufficient.

In an opinion issued Monday, Senior District Judge Jay Bybee wrote that the definition of “food” changes depending on whether the word is used as a noun, verb or adjective.

Diet Soda And Weight Gain Reddit

While Becerra argued that the word is a noun or verb meaning “he eats” or “starts to eat,” Bybee said that when used as an adjective or proper noun, the word can mean “free calorie reduction.”

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“Considering the word in its proper context, no reasonable consumer would believe that the word ‘diet’ in Diet Dr Pepper promises weight loss or control,” Bybee wrote.

He added: “With regular use, consumers know that Diet Dr Pepper is a different product from Dr Pepper – different not only in name, but also in packaging and most of all in taste.”

Becerra and his attorney did not immediately respond to requests for comment. So are the lawyers for Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Inc. They don’t know the answer, they’re shaping the world For nine years, it’s been helping people everywhere understand our world. Can you help us stay free for the next nine years and reach our birthday month goal of 1,500 new donations by making a monetary gift today? ×

A growing body of evidence shows that diet sodas are no substitute for regular soda. Sheila Fitzgerald/Shutterstock

Why Diet Soda Is (probably) Bad For You, According To Science

Diet drinks are already marketed as slimming agents. The idea is that people can enjoy the sweetness of regular soda, but without all the calories and weight gain.

However, some researchers seriously doubt that diet sodas containing artificial sweeteners actually live up to these marketing claims. And evidence seems to be mounting that diet sodas and artificial sweeteners actually can

“There’s a big debate in this area about whether artificial sweeteners and diet drinks may be contributing to the obesity epidemic and the diabetes epidemic, which is exactly what they’re supposed to be preventing,” explains Vasanti Malik, a Harvard researcher who conducted the study. Diet soda.

Diet Soda And Weight Gain Reddit

A new study published last week in PLOS followed low-calorie sweetener users in soda for 10 years and compared them to people who didn’t use artificial sugar. It found that users of the low-calorie sweetener were heavier and had a larger waist circumference and more belly fat than non-users. “These data suggest that consumption of low-calorie sweeteners may influence the accumulation of visceral fat, a strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death,” the researchers concluded.

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Another study from 2008 looked at the relationship between sugary drink consumption and long-term weight gain in 3,682 people. Drinking diet soda was associated with double the risk of being overweight and obese. “These findings raise the question of whether the consumption of artificial sweeteners may help halt—rather than fight—our growing obesity epidemic,” the study authors wrote.

Other diabetes studies have reached similar startling conclusions. A review published in the British Medical Journal in 2015 analyzed all available research on the link between sugary drinks, sugary drinks, juices and type 2 diabetes. The results were surprising: regular consumption of sugary drinks was associated with diabetes – but so was consumption of diet drinks.

However, there is conflicting evidence, which makes the interpretation of these results difficult. A study published in 2014 found a small weight loss (0.8 kg) associated with replacing sugary drinks with low-calorie alternatives in high-quality trials.

One short-term randomized trial published in 2012 found that people who switched from sugary sodas to diet sodas also lost weight after six months. (Actually, they live near people who have given up sugary drinks and drink water instead.)

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“So there are studies that show that consuming diet drinks actually promotes weight gain,” Malik said. “Some people say that drinking soft drinks increases the risk of diabetes. Others say it doesn’t, that these studies are wrong.” Malik predicts that we will get definite answers in the next few years when more studies are done.
