Diet And Exercise Plan For Weight Loss Male

By | December 10, 2023

Diet And Exercise Plan For Weight Loss Male – A few weeks ago I was named the overall winner of the National Transformation Challenge hosted by Gold’s Gym. For 12 weeks, I worked to get into the best shape of my life at the age of 62. In that time, I’ve managed to drop my body fat from 22 percent to 12 percent, lose nearly 7 inches from my waist, and keep my weight off. at 187 pounds, that means I’ve added lean muscle and lost fat.

I added that I’ve always been passionate—for decades, from the first time I played pickup basketball in 1967, I felt that sports and exercise were uniquely compatible. I now live in Georgia and work as a life extension specialist, constantly challenging myself to inspire others. During the 12-week rotation, I maintained a four-day split with a five-day leg rotation, back and triceps, chest and biceps, shoulders and calves, and legs on alternate days. Five days a week, I also trained in stair climbing and sprinting, sometimes outside, sometimes on the treadmill. This allowed me to burn calories while maintaining the muscle I had worked so hard for.

Diet And Exercise Plan For Weight Loss Male

Diet And Exercise Plan For Weight Loss Male

My diet consists of eating high-quality, low-fat meals six times a day. My staples are lean white meat and fish, whole grains, starchy and non-starchy carbohydrates, including vegetables, and half a dozen antioxidant-rich fruits. My favorite foods are egg whites, oatmeal, blueberries, strawberries, chicken, ground turkey, fish, potatoes, rice, asparagus, cabbage and broccoli.

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Although all the meals contained protein, as I approached my target date, the meals contained no fat; except for those that are part of the protein itself. This last step of the meal plan is what made the abs. My trainer and I found that my body responded best when I ate a naturally high fat diet. The most important thing I learned during the process was to listen to my body. I won’t lie: after filming the pageant, I indulged in some foods that I didn’t have, but I learned to enjoy them and not overdo it because I chose to look and feel my best.

I’ve also been working online with my trainer, House of Payne Personal Training, who has adapted my workouts to fit the equipment I have at home during quarantine. I texted her pictures every week and talked on the phone during FaceTime check-ins to make sure my progress was on track. When you get hired, you do what you have to do. My husband also helps me stay motivated – we have a shared mission to be ambassadors for physical and mental health. There is no better way to encourage and inspire others than to lead by example.

Persevering through quarantine actually made the whole experience more difficult than I originally thought. I found a tight knit family at Gold’s Gym that helped me get through the tough times of self-doubt and it was so worth it in the end. They have made me more determined to be the best I can be so I can show others how important health and fitness are to your quality of life.

That being said, people still ask me why I want to do this. I tell them that taking care of my body and health is my priority. When I see those around me, my age and even younger, suffering from aches and pains, I hope to be an inspiration to them. I am passionate about motivating others to change their lifestyle because I want them to feel as alive as I do. I can show them that their excuses are challenges that can be overcome. Anyone my age would feel good about showing off a six pack.

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I have also gained more confidence through this journey – fueling my desire to strive for excellence every day and live an active life. With this motivation, my new goal is to compete in professional fitness competitions against younger competitors. For people just starting out, I always tell them to focus on the mental side first and surround themselves with like-minded people. Setbacks will happen, but the right support system will help you stay focused.

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Diet And Exercise Plan For Weight Loss Male

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For 5 years I trained hard and was very muscular; I watched my diet and loved running Spartan races. I followed the “gym bro” cycle of bulking up in the winter and cutting in the summer. But I could never cut far enough to find the middle. The motivation just wasn’t there. Last winter I decided to start a lean part.

Soon I was allowed to eat what I wanted. The weight kept climbing until it peaked at 208 pounds. I’ve gained 20 pounds in 5 months – needless to say, I’m not skinny anymore. Plus the Spartan race I enjoyed was canceled due to Covid and I had no goal of staying lean. I still worked from home during the quarantine, but my life was less active. I was terrible, good at cardio. I was still going strong at the gym but felt sluggish, tired and bloated all day.

While browsing YouTube I came across a video of Paul Revelia talking about fat loss and he mentioned Pro Physique’s 90 Day Transformation Challenge. I talked about it with my husband and told him that I would give myself a firm date and goal to get to where I want to be, physically. He said go ahead, so I signed up.

Before the start date I was aiming for a weight of 180 pounds. I thought this would put me in the front row for the challenge. I also planned my workouts and cardio, set my initial calorie deficit, and decided to cut calories as needed. I reduced my daily calories from 3,200 to 2,400, with 220 grams of protein, 55 grams of fat, and 280 grams of carbs.

Day Meal Plan For Weight Loss

I bought an under-desk stair machine that I used for 40 minutes every morning at work. The gym was still closed, so I knew I would train at home. I started shopping around and was able to purchase a squat rack, barbell, bench, adjustable dumbbells, and a door pull up bar. I know this tool will allow me to get all the basics I need.

My weightlifting workout was a 4-day schedule of pull-ups, push-ups, legs, core, and abs that lasted only an hour each session. At the end of the fourth day I reset and didn’t have a full day of rest. I kept my delivery simple by using basic compound movements that give a lot of bang for the buck (army press, squat, deadlifts and rows). I kept my intensity high and used 8-12 reps. I made sure that the last set of each exercise went to complete failure, then reduced the weight and went to failure again.

Once the weight was off, I bought a discount treadmill for my gym. I added a 40 minute walk every night after dinner. It made me lose weight. At this point my work was high between two cardio and weights sessions per day. I lost over 2 pounds a week.

Diet And Exercise Plan For Weight Loss Male

Each time I stopped, I reduced my calories by 200, keeping protein and fat the same, but carbs, until I finally reached 1,700 calories a day. At this point I added a fuel burn day once every 10 days. On my fueling days I ate about 3,500 calories. I noticed that it caused me to gain 3 or 4 pounds for a few days, then it quickly dropped back to less than the day I was on the diet.

Illustration Of Man’s Body Before And After Diet And Exercise. Weight Loss And Fitness Concept Royalty Free Svg, Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 90999852

By the end of the challenge, I was able to lose up to 177 pounds. I lost 31 pounds and exceeded my goal weight. I couldn’t believe it!

When I get tired or feel like I’m not pushing myself hard enough, I remind myself that there are people out there who feel the same way I do, but are working harder than I am right now. me