Dental Hygiene Patient Education Materials

By | August 25, 2023

Dental Hygiene Patient Education Materials – The FDI World Dental Federation is now providing practitioners with promotional resources to educate their patients and celebrate World Oral Health Day on 20 March 2019. With this year’s theme, Se Ah: Act on Oral Health, the materials include three printable oral checklists. Care advice for children, adults and governments.

Checklists for children and adults encourage patients to evaluate their current oral hygiene habits and provide tips for improving daily routines. The Checklist for Government encourages policymakers to think about what they can do to develop the best oral health policies in their countries.

Dental Hygiene Patient Education Materials

Dental Hygiene Patient Education Materials

Campaign posters are also available, each targeting a different audience: the general public, children and patients visiting the dentist. Each poster highlights the connection between oral health and overall health. All campaign materials are available for download in English, French and Spanish.

Colgate Oral Health Network

3M partners with FDI to support and promote World Oral Health Day. The organization already supports the organization’s advocacy work, which emphasizes the integration of oral health into the global health and development agenda and the contribution of dentists to overall health, wellness and quality of life.

“3M Oral Care is pleased to sponsor World Oral Health Day 2019. There is no better way to live up to our mission of “Lifelong Oral Health for All” than by partnering with FDI to create awareness around the world about the importance of oral health. said Sebastian Arana, president and general manager of 3M Oral Care.

“World Oral Health Day unites the global community under a common goal: to reduce the burden of oral disease and ensure good oral health for all,” FDI President Dr. Catherine Kell says. “I am delighted to welcome 3M to our circle of World Oral Health Day supporters. I look forward to strengthening our existing relationship to deliver a high level of World Oral Health Day in 2019.”

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Dental Hygiene Patient Education Materials

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Balancing Your Mouth’s Microbiome

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Dental Hygiene Patient Education Materials

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Maintaining good oral hygiene is important. It prevents oral diseases and conditions like cavities and gingivitis and acts as a mirror of our overall health. Make it a point to educate your patients about the importance of oral health and provide them with the right tools and information to practice good oral hygiene and prevent new or worsening conditions.

In October, the American Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA) announced that Colgate® Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc. An educational holiday program on all things dental hygiene is organized in collaboration with it. ADHA is nationally recognized as the leading organization for dental hygienists. Every year, they use the National Dental Hygiene Month (NDHM) to inform the public, i.e. children as well as the elderly, about ways to practice oral hygiene.

Historically, ADHA has promoted NDHM through sponsored presentations, special events, webinars, free clinics and service donations. This year ADHA and Colgate® are turning to social media to spread their message The social media event encourages dentists to share photos of how they spend their day. People who share photos are automatically entered to win a thank you prize with prize options including:

Dental Hygiene Patient Education Materials

Take advantage of events like this by educating your patients about the importance of good oral hygiene.

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As a dentist, you already know the importance of oral hygiene, but what about your patients? Emphasize oral hygiene to your patients with communication materials during checkups or in the office, clearly defining it and explaining how it relates to our overall health. Consider the following questions your patients may have and consider the best ways you can answer them:

The human mouth is full of billions of bacteria. The oral microbiome is home to healthy bacteria that fight any bad, disease-causing bacteria in the mouth. An example of unhealthy bacteria is plaque. When we eat and drink, saliva combines with everything we eat to form a sticky layer that builds up on the teeth – especially between the teeth and in the molars – which can be difficult to reach and remove.

With proper daily care, we can promote healthy bacteria and eliminate or reduce harmful bacteria by flossing, brushing, and regular dental cleanings and checkups. This maintenance process is known as oral hygiene.

Poor oral hygiene leads to easily preventable dental problems. Most patients know that they are at greater risk of tooth decay if they don’t brush their teeth, but neglecting dental hygiene can also cause:

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The mouth is the door to your body. What you eat affects your digestive and respiratory tract, including any harmful bacteria that you eat, drink or swallow. Even drinking a glass of water brings millions of bacteria into your body. Poor oral health increases the likelihood of harmful diseases and conditions, such as:

Fortunately, most people have modern oral health education and solutions to prevent the development of these diseases and conditions.

After educating your patients on the importance of good oral hygiene, follow up on how they can practice daily oral care. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults practice the following tips for healthy teeth and gums:

Dental Hygiene Patient Education Materials

You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. When brushing your teeth, you should:

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You can choose to brush your teeth between meals, but avoid brushing your teeth right after—especially after acidic foods or snacks. Your saliva does a decent job of naturally cleaning particles and bacteria from your teeth and mouth, so brushing after every meal isn’t always necessary.

As you brush your teeth, the bristles of your toothbrush become less effective and capture some of the bacteria in your mouth. Experts recommend changing your toothbrush every three to four months.

A toothbrush can’t always reach between your teeth, but dental floss can. These spaces contain plaque and erode the protective enamel of your teeth. Also, the board can travel under you