Define Dental Health Education

By | November 9, 2023

Define Dental Health Education – We all tend to start each new year with goals and resolutions in all areas of our lives, including fitness, career, family, finances and health. However, it is important for our overall health and well-being that we also strive for optimal dental health. That’s why we want to take the opportunity to educate our patients about dental health awareness.

We’ve all heard that we should brush and floss our teeth daily and go to the dentist twice a year for dental appointments; However, there are so many reasons why dental health awareness is so important to our overall health. Whether you’re determined to improve your brushing habits or want to make it a priority to complete dental work, understanding the benefits will help you keep your motivation high.

Define Dental Health Education

Define Dental Health Education

Let’s start small… do you floss and brush your teeth every day? It is important to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and a manual toothbrush or electric toothbrush with soft bristles.

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When brushing, place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle towards the gums and move the toothbrush over the entire surface of your teeth to effectively remove plaque. Remember to replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months; especially after you’ve had a cold or flu or if the coat is torn.

It is also important to floss once a day to remove food particles and plaque that have accumulated throughout the day.

Daily brushing and flossing helps prevent tooth decay, bad breath and gum disease. Consuming an extra daily dessert will also help improve your oral health.

An important part of reaching your dental health goals is making healthy drink and food choices, especially when snacking. When you consume foods and drinks that contain acids and carbohydrates, you contribute to tooth decay. That’s why it’s so important to brush your teeth after eating and snacking.

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When choosing a drink, water is the healthiest thing you can drink. This helps rinse your mouth to reduce plaque buildup and cavity-causing bacteria. We don’t realize how many of the “healthy” drink choices we make every day are unhealthy. Many drinks are loaded with sugar and acids, even sparkling water that we think is healthy.

Did you know that the fastest and most cost-effective way to improve the appearance of your smile is to whiten your teeth? It’s easy, it’s fast, and there are many options that can help remove surface stains as well as deep stains. Many of these stains are caused by our favorite foods and drinks (especially coffee, tea, red wine, etc.); However, the medication you are taking can also cause your teeth to look yellow and spotty.

Don’t be fooled by over-the-counter or trendy teeth whitening kits. They can be expensive and dangerous to use, as some are so hard they can wear away the enamel on your teeth! It is always best to speak directly with Dr. Roberts to whiten your teeth. Adams Dental Group has a variety of teeth whitening options, whether you want to schedule an in-office whitening treatment or have an at-home option.

Define Dental Health Education

You may have decided that this is the year when you will complete the restorative dental work you have been putting off for so long. Has Dr. Roberts told you you need a new crown, implant or filling? If so, performing this procedure will help preserve the structure of your teeth and maintain proper alignment, which can improve the health of your mouth.

Oral Health Therapist

If you’ve always wanted a beautiful smile, now it can be yours. Chips, cracks, discolored teeth and other issues can take a toll on your smile and confidence. With our advanced, natural-looking cosmetic dentistry options, you can improve the appearance of your teeth. The friendly and caring team at Adams Dental Group can perfect your smile through teeth whitening, veneers and porcelain restoration treatments. Feel free to ask us, we will be happy to tell you more during a private consultation to discuss which cosmetic dentistry option is best for you.

If you stop using any tobacco products, you will not only improve your oral health, but your overall health as well. If this BIG resolution is on your list, there’s no better time than now to quit smoking or using smokeless tobacco.

If you think the vape craze is a healthy alternative to smoking tobacco, think again. Not only can vaping increase the chances of gum disease and eventual tooth loss, but it can also lead to a variety of other problematic health conditions, including sores that don’t heal, vaper cough (similar to a smoker’s cough), and chronic bronchitis. A little. Many dangerous, even toxic, chemicals have been found in the liquids used in e-cigarettes, such as formaldehyde. Some can cause cancer. Here’s an article from Science News for Students titled, “Concern Explodes Over New Health Risks Of Vaping”.

There are plenty of free online tools, groups to help you quit smoking, and even apps that can provide support if you or a friend or family member is trying to quit. It could be the most important thing you’ve ever done.

Hpsa Dental Map

Make a resolution for you and your family to kill Dr. Roberts at Adams Dental Group for his bi-annual dental appointments is key. These regular visits can not only help prevent oral disease, but can also reveal existing diseases at an early stage. Be sure to visit your dentist every 6 months to keep you on track with any treatments you may need.

We hope this helps you increase your awareness and knowledge about dental health as educating patients is very important to us and our team. If you have questions about any of these topics, we’re here to help you get the support and care you and your family need.

Travis A. Roberts and his experienced and friendly team at Adams Dental Group provide affordable family dentistry and gentle dental care in the Kansas City, KS area. We have two strategically located locations and offer appointment times from Monday to Friday to meet your needs. At Adams Dental Group, we offer a wide range of dental services from family and general dentistry to specialty procedures including dental implants, dentures, endodontic or root canal treatments, teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry and much more. We accept most dental insurance plans and offer affordable financial solutions for all budgets. Call us at our West location (913) 296-8030 or our East location (913) 621-3113 to schedule an appointment. Oklahoma’s ethnically, financially, and geographically diverse population has unique oral care challenges. These challenges include poor overall oral health, inadequate oral health coverage, significant physical barriers to access to care, and a shortage of dental care workers. Just as the barriers to oral care are diverse, so are the possible solutions. Potential solutions include efforts at all levels of government, healthcare innovation, and recognition of the unique needs of Oklahoma’s Native American population. Potential strategies address each of these opportunities and identify Oklahoma’s short- and long-term oral health needs.

Define Dental Health Education

Despite making an important contribution to overall health and well-being with links to chronic diseases such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease [1], oral care is often neglected and insufficient services are available in Oklahoma. Oklahoma’s oral health statistics reflect a population with high rates of childhood tooth decay, adult tooth loss, and an absence of regular oral health appointments, primarily due to cost. Causes include financial and physical barriers and a widespread shortage of oral care professionals. Only 72% of Oklahoma children have had one or more dental visits, compared to 80% nationally, and 66% of third graders have experienced tooth decay, compared to only 52% of the national population [2]. The stats aren’t any better for adults: 60% of Oklahoma adults visited the dentist in 2019, compared to 68% nationally, and only 35% of pregnant women brushed their teeth during pregnancy, compared to 46% nationally level 2]. In addition, 42% of Oklahoma residents age 65 and older have lost at least six teeth due to tooth decay or gum disease [3]. Inequality in oral health access and outcomes for Oklahoma means that some populations experience greater barriers than others. Cost was cited as the top reason for avoiding dental work [4, 5] with low-income adults and children in Oklahoma less likely to visit the dentist and low-income adults also more likely to experience tooth loss (Table 1) [6, 7] . Most of the oral illnesses experienced by Oklahoma residents are preventable [8]; however, access to necessary oral care can be expensive and difficult.

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Approximately 23% of American Indians or Alaskan Natives (AI/AN) live in poverty compared to 10.5% for the general US population, and in Oklahoma, poverty affects 19.3% of AI/AN people [9]. Currently, 29% of Oklahoma residents receive Medicaid benefits. AI/AN people living in Oklahoma make up 11% of total Medicaid registrations for the state [10]. In 2020, before Medicaid’s recent expansion, 533,000 Oklahoma people were uninsured, the second highest rate in the country, leaving many Oklahoma people without realistic insurance coverage options.