Best Vitamins For Your Immune System

By | October 1, 2023

Best Vitamins For Your Immune System – If you had asked me a week ago if I would be blogging about vitamins and how I boost my immune system – I wouldn’t have believed you. It’s wild how much can change in seven days, yet here we are starting a new week where most of society is encouraged to stay home and self-quarantine.

I’ll be posting daily updates on my Instagram story about how Nick and I are adjusting to life now that #socialdistancing is the new normal. Nike thankfully decided on Friday that all employees will work from home indefinitely and I couldn’t be happier to have them safely in our apartment with me. All last week I dreaded the thought of him commuting to the city on the train and subway every day.

Best Vitamins For Your Immune System

Best Vitamins For Your Immune System

For now we have decided to stay in our apartment in Jersey City. I would love nothing more than to go to my grandparents’ house in Pennsylvania, but their health comes first and we don’t want to risk spreading any germs to them at this time. Our plan is to isolate ourselves for at least a week, see how we feel, and then move into one of our family’s homes to weather the storm.

Does Emergen C Work? If You’re Already Sick, For Prevention, And More

You can read more about how to best prepare + protect your family if the coronavirus spreads in your community at the CDC website: ncov/prepare/index.html

Since nothing is more important than health and safety at this time, I thought it would be appropriate to share the vitamins I take to strengthen my immune system and give my body the nutrients it needs. Needed it while I was raising my little boy 🙂

I actually started taking all of these supplements early in my pregnancy and the only change I’ve made recently is upping my vitamin C dosage.

Disclaimer: My OBGYN has approved the supplements and dosages I take, but please always consult your doctor and do your own research. I’m also not claiming that any of these vitamins prevent or cure the coronavirus—I took all of these supplements before the outbreak.

What Are The Best Vitamins For A Healthy Immune System?

This is the prenatal vitamin I take every day! I actually blogged about this before in my first trimester review + Q&A.

Vitamin C is a great antioxidant, which protects cells throughout the body from free radical damage. It plays an important role in cellular energy production, and is essential for proper carbohydrate metabolism and the synthesis of fats and proteins. Vitamin C also helps break down cholesterol, promotes wound healing, and helps maintain healthy immune function.

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin! The best way to get vitamin D naturally is to be outside and in the sun, which most of us probably don’t get enough of right now. Vitamin D is an essential bone-building mineral that supports the muscles, nerves and immune system.

Best Vitamins For Your Immune System

I started taking the Thorne Methyl-Guard Plus supplement that contains folate + B6 + B12 after finding out I had a partial MTHFR gene mutation and was deficient in B vitamins. In short, this supplement improves the health of the heart, blood vessels, brain and bones. Healthy methylation. Folate is also an essential vitamin for pregnancy to promote healthy growth and development of your baby. America Medic & Science Rapid C 1000mg Vitamin C Supplement (2 Pack Of 100 Tablets) Energy Booster, Daily Immune System Support, Antioxidant

Taking probiotics daily may help balance the bacteria in your digestive tract and restore your gut health. In pregnant women, it can sometimes lead to digestive problems such as constipation, cramps, heartburn, morning sickness, diarrhea, gas and bloating. Probiotic supplementation can also help strengthen the immune system of mothers and babies.

Dandelion root nourishes the liver and helps balance sodium and potassium during pregnancy. For the few months that I am pregnant, I take half a capsule every day. 4 months pregnant = 2 capsules

I can’t stop laughing reading all the DMs I got in response to Nick about how hard it is for me to take vitamins! Cooperating with your husband and swallowing pills is like pulling teeth! I’m glad I’m not alone. I’m trying my best to get Nick to take Vitamin C and D…the gummies have definitely helped a lot with those key vitamins!

Nick hates swallowing pills so I recently ordered him these Vitamin C Gummies. He likes the taste and will eat it like candy, but the only downside is that the dose of vitamin C is much lower than what you can get from a capsule. I am trying my best to give her 5 gummies daily + 1 vitamin C capsule for 1000mg. If your body is a machine, then food is its fuel. You want to make sure you’re getting a high-quality diet full of nutrients and vitamins to keep things running smoothly. Proper nutrition is especially important when it comes to your immune system. These four vitamins help boost your immunity.

Foods High In Vitamin C That Can Help Boost Your Immunity

Vitamin A is an important vitamin that boosts immunity. It is also important for vision and is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs. You can get all the vitamin A you need from food; It’s most popular in liver and fish oil, but you can also find vitamin A in leafy greens, tomatoes, dairy products, carrots, broccoli, cantaloupe, and squash, to name a few.

Your body needs vitamin C to support the immune system. It is a powerful antioxidant that can directly help the immune cells, neutrophils, at the site of infection.

Vitamin C also helps heal wounds; formation of scar tissue; Cartilage, bone and tooth repair; iron absorption; and forms skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means it helps prevent damage caused by free radicals.

Best Vitamins For Your Immune System

While we often think only of citrus fruits, there are many foods that can provide a rich source of vitamin C. These include: broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower, kale, kiwi, orange juice, papaya, red, green or yellow peppers, sweet potatoes, strawberries, and tomatoes.

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Vitamin D is important for bone health; It helps your body absorb calcium. Recent studies have shown that it is also beneficial for the immune system. Vitamin D helps regulate the body’s immune response. Vitamin D deficiency impairs autoimmunity and increases susceptibility to infections.

Good sources of vitamin D include: direct sunlight (at least 10-20 minutes a day), fortified milk, fatty fish such as salmon, egg yolks, liver, and other fortified foods including breakfast cereals.

A powerful antioxidant, vitamin E has been found to help regulate immune function and maintain a healthy immune system, especially in the elderly. Almonds and sunflower seeds are excellent sources of vitamin E.

Most people can get all the essential nutrients and vitamins they need from a healthy, varied diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. If you think you’re not getting enough vitamins from your diet, supplements can help. However, you want to make sure to talk to your doctor before starting any supplement regimen.

The Best Vitamins To Boost Your Immune System (pregnancy Safe)

While it is important to include the four vitamins mentioned above, one of the most important things you can do to strengthen your immune system is to simply live a healthy overall lifestyle.

To learn more about the best vitamins for your immune system, contact your Baptist Health primary care provider today to schedule an appointment.

Sign up to receive Baptist Health emails to learn more about your health from our blog, e-newsletter and Flourish. Or follow one of our social media accounts. Multivitamins Your body needs the right vitamins and nutrients to function properly. Multivitamins are formulated to meet your daily health needs and keep your body performing at its best.

Best Vitamins For Your Immune System

Brand new! A delicious multivitamin gummy treat for growing kids that’s great! Packed with goodness and made without any artificial flavors or sweeteners.

The 3 Best Vitamins For Immune System

Brand new! Enjoy natural tropical fruit flavor in a gummy multivitamin for women with essential nutrients to support immunity, energy, metabolism and a healthy appearance.

Brand new! A delicious tropical fruit multivitamin gummy for men formulated with pure ingredients to support metabolism, energy, immunity and muscle function.

Available in a variety of natural fruits, a delicious multivitamin gummy contains no artificial sweeteners, and supports energy, immunity, and metabolism.

A delicious multivitamin gummy formulated for women to help maintain daily energy, immune function, metabolism and a healthy appearance.

Recipes To Boost Your Immune System

A great tasting multivitamin gummy formulated for men age 50+ to support heart health, brain function, healthy eyes and muscle function.

Delicious multivitamin gummies for women 50+ for heart health, brain function, healthy eyes and strong bones.

A delicious multivitamin packed with antioxidants to support immune and brain function, vitality, stress response and cellular health.

Best Vitamins For Your Immune System

A delicious multivitamin with omega-3s designed to support heart health as well as brain function, eye health, energy and immunity.

The 8 Best Children’s Vitamins

A heart-healthy multivitamin for men over 50 with nutrients for energy, eye health, brain function and bone strength.

Heart-healthy omega-3s combine with nutrients for energy, eye health, brain function and bone strength for women over 50.

Easy-to-swallow mini multivitamin tablets for adults 50+ designed to support immune function, metabolism and bone health.

Easy-to-swallow small multivitamin tablets

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