Best Vitamins And Minerals For Immune System

By | May 24, 2023

Best Vitamins And Minerals For Immune System – Most of us consider adding vitamin supplements to our diet, but vitamin deficiencies are actually quite rare. “Healthy adults who eat a varied and balanced diet and get some sun every day usually get all the vitamins and minerals they need,” says Celine Guillaumar, MD, MD.

“It’s important to keep your diet varied, because no one type of food guarantees you’ll get enough of everything.

Best Vitamins And Minerals For Immune System

Best Vitamins And Minerals For Immune System

If you suspect you may need vitamin supplements, talk to your doctor first. “There are risks, especially for children, and some supplements can interact with other medications,” says Dr. Guyomar.

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“Vitamins and minerals belong to the micronutrient family and are essential for the body to function well,” says Dr. Guyomar. “They have roles in the nervous, immune and muscular systems, as well as vision, growth and more.”

The body needs 13 different types of vitamins, as well as a large number of minerals and trace elements. Vitamins include:

Vitamins A, C, D E and K B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, B6, B12 and folic acid)

“Our bodies don’t make vitamins – with the exception of vitamin D, which we make from UV rays from the sun, and vitamin K, made by bacteria in the body – so we have to get them through food,” says Dr. Guillaume.

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Deficiency symptoms largely depend on the type of vitamin and how severe your deficiency is. “Symptoms will develop more quickly if you are deficient in types of vitamins that the body cannot store as easily, such as vitamin C or folic acid,” says Dr. Guyomar.

“Taking vitamin D supplements in the winter is definitely a good idea,” says Dr. Guyomar. This is because reduced sunlight during the winter increases the risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Many parents choose to give their children vitamins to boost their immunity in the winter, and some studies have shown that vitamin C can help defend against and fight viral and bacterial infections.

Best Vitamins And Minerals For Immune System

Who should take it? Everyone, including children, those over 80, people with dark skin and anyone whose sun exposure is limited

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Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption, which helps keep your bones strong. “It also plays a key role in supporting your immune system,” says Dr. Guyomar.

The amount and strength of the sun in the winter months is not enough to produce all the vitamin D we need. It is also very difficult to get it from our diet alone. Therefore, the advice is for everyone to take at least 10 mcg (400 IU) daily during the winter.

Vitamin A “Vitamin A is essential for regulating vision and allowing our genes to convert DNA into useful products such as proteins,” says Dr. Guyomar. “The first sign of vitamin A deficiency is that it takes longer for your vision to adjust at night.”

Vitamin C “Vitamin C is essential,” says Dr. Guyomar. It helps fight infections, helps absorb iron and calcium, and generally helps protect the body’s cells and heal wounds. Eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as avocados, citrus fruits, and potatoes with the skin on, is usually enough every day. Keep them in the fridge and eat them raw or steamed, because vitamin C is sensitive to light, heat and air.’

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Vitamin E Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, is found in seeds and oils, and deficiency is extremely rare.

These vitamins are often part of children’s multivitamins. They are given as a precaution to ensure that growing children—especially picky eaters or those who lack a varied diet—get all the vitamins they need.

When? At different times of development, babies are born with insufficient levels of vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting. That’s why newborns are given vitamin K at birth, on the 4th day of life and when they turn one month old if they are not formula fed.

Best Vitamins And Minerals For Immune System

When? Daily folic acid is one of the main vitamins of pregnancy. “Folic acid is involved in cell division and is very important in preventing neural tube defects, which is why people trying to get pregnant and those in early pregnancy should take a supplement,” explains Dr. Guyomar.

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Taking folic acid before conception has been shown to reduce neural tube defects in babies by up to 70%.

Who should take it? Vegans, vegetarians and people suffering from Biermer’s disease, intestinal diseases or who have a known deficiency

“Vitamin B12 is necessary for the production of red blood cells, for cell reproduction and for proper nerve function,” says Dr. Guyomar. It can only be found naturally in foods of animal origin, putting vegans and vegetarians at greater risk of deficiency.

“Minerals or trace elements are also key micronutrients. Like vitamins, you get them through food and they play an important role in all body functions,” says Dr. Gujomar.

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“Magnesium is involved in getting energy into the muscles, so it’s important for anyone who’s very active,” says Dr. Guyomar. “But it’s also used in all of the body’s other energy-consuming operations, including the reproduction and repair of our cells, the functioning of our organs, managing stress and regulating heat.”

Certain alcoholic or caffeinated beverages can reduce its absorption, so it’s wise to keep them to a minimum.

“Iron helps your red blood cells transport oxygen to your cells and is important for central nervous system development in babies,” says Dr. Guyomar. Iron deficiency is common, especially among women of reproductive age and those with heavy periods. Vegans and vegetarians, children 6 months to 4 years old, and people with health conditions involving blood loss are also at greater risk.

Best Vitamins And Minerals For Immune System

“Calcium is central to the health of our bones and plays a role in muscle contraction,” explains Dr. Guyomar. “It’s especially important during childhood and adolescence when our bones are growing, as well as from around age 50 for women and 60 for men.”

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General and Seasonal Health – March 7, 2023 A guide to managing hay fever in children Hay fever season coincides with the time of year when children want to be outside. Here are medical tips for managing your child’s hay fever symptoms. Read more Your immune system really doesn’t have a day off. Whether you’re battling a cold or recovering from an infection, you’re always fighting hard. But believe it or not, diet has a huge impact on your immunity, and there are some easy (and delicious) ways to keep your immune system in tip-top shape. Enter: vitamins to support the immune system.

“Nutrients from our diet, including vitamins, minerals and macronutrients such as protein, fat and carbohydrates, are essential for immune cell production and overall immune health,” says Stacey Simon, RDN, of Top Nutrition Coaching.

There is no such thing as an “immunity diet,” but consuming a variety of vitamins and minerals can help prevent nutrient deficiencies that can lead to reduced immune system function. “Instead of cherry-picking or adding nutrients here and there, an overall balanced diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains can help us consume adequate amounts of specific nutrients to prevent deficiency and maintain our. a healthy immune system,” says Simon.

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? While there’s certainly a time and place for them, such as if you’re pregnant, struggling with nutritional deficiencies or recovering from illness or surgery, Simon always recommends food first. “Think of supplements as a tool to fill in the gaps in a healthy, nutritious diet,” she says.

Because supplements are not regulated by the FDA, and too much of a nutrient can be harmful, always talk to your doctor before use. “Unless you’re deficient in a nutrient, there’s often no need to mega-supplement,” notes Simon. “The body actually absorbs and uses the nutrients in food more efficiently.”

And while diet plays a role in immune health, other factors are also involved. Things like sleep, stress, certain medications, autoimmune diseases, and genetics also affect your immune function. “We have to make sure we maintain our defense on all these fronts,” says Simon.

Best Vitamins And Minerals For Immune System

If you want to keep your immune health in top shape, try incorporating these 10 essential vitamins and nutrients into your diet.

Tips To Make Vitamins Work Better

Meet the Expert: Stacey Simon, RDN, is a nutritionist with more than nine years of clinical experience. Her particular focus is on managing chronic disease and maintaining overall well-being for older adults.

Protein is often associated with building muscle and keeping you full between meals, but it also plays a key role in wound healing, recovery and cell building, says Simon. “Amino acids, or protein building blocks, help maintain immune system function by aiding in the production of immune cells.

In addition, many sources of protein offer